Monday, October 7, 2024

Trump’s Creepy AF Take on Taylor Swift

Trump has a take on Taylor Swift and it’s extremely creepy. Cenk Uygur and Jordan Uhl discuss on The Young Turks.

Donald Trump repeatedly fawned over Taylor Swift in newly released audio ― but it’s not her skills as a singer, songwriter and live performer that had the former president so enchanted.

It’s her looks.

In audio from author Ramin Setoodeh that was played Wednesday on CNN, Trump says he has heard that Swift is talented, but largely focused on how “beautiful” she is.”

Read more about this story on Yahoo News.

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Serena is the owner of the website and THE Zany Progressive. She's also the editor, so you will find her personal commentary before the news articles from other sources. Serena also writes her own news articles and content.

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