Zany Progressive is an independent news organization. We do not take money from corporations,, so we arent limited in what we can and cannot publish on the site. We will always tell readers the truth, no matter who is criticized in the process. Republicans or Democrats, it doesn’t matter!
That being said, our only funding comes from people like you. Membership is free, so we aren’t making any money from members—unless they decide to upgrade to Activist, which has a small ($9.99/month) subscription fee.
Hey, we have to make money somehow in order to offset the cost of hosting, design, domains, security, SSL, the membership system programs, and a lot of other programs that are used to make the Zany Progressive website and the Community what it is.
Rather than charge a subscription fee (even though Activists do get access and perks that free members don’t), we would prefer to maintain the organization on contributions from members, visitors, readers, etc. alone. In fact, there’s a donation form available below if you’re interested! If donations were to surpass a level of sustainability, we could lower or remove the monthly fee for Activist Member status. Wouldn’t that be great?
Currently, Zany is the only content contributor as far as original news articles and other content go. The majority comes from independent Progressive news organizations that agree to allow us to republish their content (which is always attributed to the original reporter with a link back to the original article).
We are still looking for guest contributors and anyone interested in running an opinion or sports column. Eventually, we hope to have a staff of reporters and writers of our own. Until then we rely on Zany and future guest contributors (or sponsors!).
The purpose of this page is to inform website visitors of how we, as a news organization, are funded, so here comes the recap.
Zany Progressive is not funded by any corporations or outside interests. We are not owned by anyone other than Zany Progressive herself. The only source of funding comes from Activist Membership subscriptions, and donations from beautiful, kind souls such as yourself.
If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to contact us!