
Marjorie Greene Freaks Out Over Free Healthcare At The DNC

Georgia Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene freaked out at Planned Parenthood Great Rivers for providing free vasectomies and medication abortions near the DNC.

Georgia Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene freaked out at Planned Parenthood Great Rivers for providing free vasectomies and medication abortions near the Democratic National Convention. John Iadarola and Brett Erlich break it down on The Damage Report.

“Georgia Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, an anti-abortion advocate, has slammed Planned Parenthood Great Rivers for offering free vasectomies and medication abortions close to the Democratic National Convention.

Blocks away from the convention site in Chicago, Illinois, the Planned Parenthood Great Rivers mobile unit, a fully functioning mobile health center, will offer a limited number of people free medical services from August 19 until August 20.

“Planned Parenthood is going to provide free vasectomies and abortions at the Democrat National Convention this upcoming week,” Greene wrote on X. “It’s hard to even comprehend and it’s truly heartbreaking.””

Read more about this story on The Independent website.

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