Saturday, February 8, 2025
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Human Rights

Donald Trump is Declaring War on Trans People 📹

Donald Trump is declaring war on trans people after signing executive orders related to gender.

With the “Straight outta tha Project (2025)” executive orders and the things he has said, Donald Trump is declaring war on trans people. He is using people’s hate for “others” to distract them from the fact that he is not lowering grocery prices.

In fact, by gagging the public health agencies, he’s worsening bird flu, so egg prices will be $57.99 by the end of the month. And that’s not even for the big eggs. The tiny ones will be $57.99. The medium-large and large suckers are gonna be $71.49 easy.

In fact, he and his billionaire bros are busy conning his base and robbing them with his meme coin, along with all the other ‘made in China’ junk he sells like he’s on an infomercial at 3:12 A.M.

If you don’t feel like reading my snarky satire, you can skip to the video.

(I was gonna say, “like he’s on QVC,” but that’s way too classy. With decent production value. He’s standing there talking to the camera: “It’s your favorite President. ME.” with a sudden, random switch to a shot of the side of his head ).

He needs to keep us ‘poors’ distracted and fighting just until he gets the tax cuts for the rich passed and then suddenly the culture wars will disappear.

A Marvel actor (I feel terrible for forgetting his name) posted a TikTok video after he’d just finished reading Trump’s tax plan.

He explained that the cuts only go to people making more than $300,000 a year. Everyone else will see their taxes go up. In the video, he said he doesn’t need or want a tax cut. In fact, he feels bad and believes he should pay his share in taxes, not get richer while the poor pay the taxes the billionaires are not not going to pay. In fact, he’s donating all of the money he saves from the tax cuts to charity.

Why can’t more rich people be nice? I can’t even remember the poor guy’s name so I obviously have no idea what his background is, but I’m pretty confident he came from at least a middle-class family. Only someone who hasn’t been rich their entire life can truly appreciate and be grateful for what they have now.

I will never be rich because if I had a million bucks I would be helping the homeless, starving children, etc. etc. There’s no way I could ever have money like those surrounding Trump and do NOTHING to help my fellow Americans.

Elon has so much money that he could buy everyone in America a house and a month’s worth of groceries with just the change in his pocket.

I’m not religious, but I do remember a saying from Sunday school: “It’s easier to fit a camel through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.” Something like that, anyway.

I could Google it, but I’m real and authentic. If I don’t know something, then I just don’t know it and I’m honest with you. You think I couldn’t have just Googled the Marvel actor’s name? Of course I could! But if I had done that and acted as if I remembered all by myself, I would be a liar, and a fake.

I’m real. (Can you tell I didn’t sleep last night? I apologize… )

Donald Trump is literally transferring money from the working class and people in poverty—in poverty because the minimum wage is not enough to live on and Republicans don’t want to raise it above $7.25/hour—to the richest people in the country.

To recap: Donald Trump is making the lives of trans people hell, directing vile hatred, harassment, and threats at them, when already so many trans youth have taken their own lives.

After Trump won the election, LGBTQ+ youth calls to crisis hotlines exploded.

He’s robbing his supporters using crypto, since the raids for undocumented workers began, employers have no one to work in their factories, no one is around to pick our food, construction projects are now halted, I assume that the rich staying in their fancy hotels might have to do their own housekeeping soon, food prices are about to shoot up, inflation is going back up, and we are about to lose billions in federal funds that hardworking migrants have been paying in taxes for years—sometimes decades.

If you’d like to learn more about how the mass deportation is going to destroy the economy and hurt American citizens, you can read the in-depth piece I wrote on the ripple effects of mass deportation yesterday. I decided to research and write about it after hearing that citrus farmers in Florida had 75% of their workforce stop showing up after ICE was staking out the area.

The farmers said oranges and vegetables were rotting in the sun. I felt the need to warn folks that orange juice prices are about to go up and not to mention th— I TOLD YOU SO!!

Mother Jones Video

Serena Zehlius is a passionate writer and political commentator with a knack for blending humor and satire into her insights on pressing social issues. With several college degrees under her belt, including studies in civics, government, and political…

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