This letter to my Republican friends is my way of opening up the line of communication between members of the two major political parties. Instead of fighting each other (which is the goal of the rich and corrupt), we should be working together to hold those in government accountable for catering to corporations, lobbyists, and the 1% instead of us!
Our tax dollars should go to making our lives better.
Don’t you agree?
Let’s ignore their attempts to use culture wars to pit us against each other and call out those corrupt SOBs in Washington! (share this letter with friends if you agree)
Dear Republican voters,
I sometimes feel like the lies and gaslighting from your politicians and Conservative media hold so much power over your mind that you subconsciously refuse to hear anything that is different.
Even if that includes facts and the truth. My goal for this letter is not to lecture you, criticize you, belittle you, or make fun of you.
I only want to give you some information that you may not be aware of.
Facts on different topics (Proof and Evidence)
Health Care Facts
If you are living in a state with a Republican governor, did you know that your governor is so against helping people that aren’t wealthy that they choose to send back the funding they receive from the federal government to expand Medicaid?
I so often hear about the high number of people that are uninsured living in a state under leadership that chooses to return money rather than use it to make sure every citizen in the state has health insurance.
In fact, states with Republican governors have the highest rates of poverty, uninsured citizens, gun violence, and the worst education systems.
68,000 Americans die each year because they don’t have health insurance. This is the richest country in the world and the only developed nation that doesn’t provide health insurance for all citizens. They’ll claim it’s too expensive—that’s a lie. It would save the government billions each year. They’re hiding the true reason for not doing it which is the private health insurance companies and big pharma paying politicians not to do it.
A Medicare For All fact sheet, which is another way of saying universal healthcare.

Gun Violence Facts

Poverty Facts

Culture wars
I hate to use the terms “red states” and “blue states” because the concept itself is polarizing. I prefer to just say outright “States with Republican governors” and vice versa.
Conservative media spends a lot of time on culture war topics to distract you from what’s really going on. Your politicians do the same thing.
Some of their biggest distraction topics: Trans people in general, trans women participating in girl’s sports (they make this one seem like a real problem, even though when the governors passing bans are asked how many times it has been an issue they respond with: “zero”), drag queens, drag story hour, Black and disabled Santa Claus Christmas decorations—the list goes on.
They are anti “woke”, because to be woke means to have your eyes opened to see the corruption and lies in the government and our politicians.
Fox News and the other Conservative news outlets are so good at telling you things meant to scare you and/or make you angry. They think it’s easier to get you to vote for Republicans if you are scared of, or angry at, the other side.
They have referred to your fellow Americans with different political ideology as your “enemies” for a long time now. That simply isn’t true!
I’ve heard Fox News hosts say, “The Democrats hate you.”
That is not true! All that does us make you hate us and cause division between us as American citizens.
Who I am
I am a disabled single mom of 3 teenagers. I love everyone and I enjoy helping people. My passion is animals, so I worked as an animal nurse for 13 years. I want all Americans to be treated fairly, with equity in justice and liberty for all.
I don’t judge people based on their religion, race, or political ideology. I judge them based on their personality, behavior, and whether or not they treat others with respect.
I fight for positive change and a country where everyone has access to medical care.
I also fight for higher wages and stronger worker ‘s rights. I want to get money out of politics so Congress starts working for the people as it is meant to do, and stops working for corporations and lobby groups. I also want to protect our planet so our children have a place to live as adults.
All of that being said, I am a Progressive. Progressives fight for positive change and policies like I just mentioned.

So you now know a lot about me and who I am. Do you still see me as a satanic pedophile that murders kids to drink their blood? Am I your enemy for wanting all of those things to improve your life?
I want the best for everyone.
Final plea: Please stop letting lies and propaganda cause you to hate your neighbors and fellow Americans for their religious beliefs, race, sexuality, etc. You are carrying out the 1%’s plan to distract and divide.
Immigration Facts
Republican politicians keep complaining about the Southern border.
I’ve seen ads attacking Kamala Harris over the border. As Vice President, she was not tasked with fixing the border. She was put in charge of meeting with leaders of the countries whose citizens were fleeing to the US. She did that. She has zero power to do anything, including fix the border. Even President Biden can’t do much. Congress is the only option we have to fix our immigration system. We saw how that went.
Did you know that a Republican Senator, James Lankford, worked with a group of Senators—Republican, Democrat, and Independent—to create the most Conservative border security bill in history?
It had provisions like: increasing the number of Border Patrol Officers to help protect the border. It also increased their pay. In fact, the Union of Border Patrol Officers wrote a letter in support of the bill.
The bill also increased the number of immigration judges so that instead of having asylum-seekers released into the country until their court date months-years away, there would finally be enough judges to hear every case right away, and deport any migrant that isn’t granted asylum.
That solves a problem that Republican politicians are always complaining about!
Fentanyl Crisis
They have specialized technology that can detect fentanyl coming into the country across the border, but it’s sitting in a warehouse!
They don’t have the funds needed to install it! The border bill also provided money necessary to install the equipment that would help with the fentanyl crisis.
Those are just some of the things in the Conservative border security bill that would have helped exponentially with the crisis.
The bill was set to pass when Donald Trump told the Republicans NOT to pass it because it would “make Biden look good” for doing something to fix the border, and Trump “wanted to campaign on the border crisis”, so if it was fixed, he would lose that attack line.
When that happened I thought for sure you would be angry. I tuned into Fox News and watched a Trump rally only to find out that they were all lying to you about what the bill would do!
I heard Trump say that it granted amnesty to everyone coming across the border.
For future reference, you can visit the Congress website and read the details of any bill you want. The next time you’re hearing details about a certain bill, look it up so you can see for yourself whats in it regardless of what Republicans and Democrats are saying.
You can also look at the voting results to see how your politicians voted on the bill.
You will find that they consistently vote against anything that would help you. Armed with this knowledge, they can never trick you or lie to you again when it comes to legislation and what a bill includes and will do.
I wanted you all to have those links handy because I watch Fox News and listen to Conservative radio to learn what narratives they are giving you on a certain news story. Honestly, they lie to their viewers because they think they’re too stupid to understand bills and legislation, too dumb to look things up on the Congress website.
Watching a different news channel wont help because Conservative news outlets are all telling lies to protect and lift up the rich and the elites. Every host on Fox is a millionaire!
Newsmax, OAN, Breitbart, New York Post—they all lie. The owner of Fox News, Rupert Murdoch, also owns newspapers and magazines as well. New York Post is one of them.
He is a billionaire whose publications were banned in the UK for spreading disinformation and propaganda.
Education Facts
This graphic from Time magazine shows U.S. states with grades based on their education systems.

I’m hoping this letter and the facts I provided will help you to see that Republican politicians will always do what makes them and their friends rich, while making their constituents poor, uneducated, and uninsured. They have said that uneducated people are easier to control.
Could that be a reason why they don’t fund public schools to provide a better, safer experience for children to learn and grow in?
Once you cut through the lies and propaganda, you can clearly see what’s happening. I think the abortion bans are something you can’t spin or hide. That one topic has opened a lot of eyes to the Republican mission to control women and take away their rights.
Donald Trump recently stated that he lost the 2020 election during a press conference (visit link to see the video). I immediately thought of the poor supporters of his in prison, some for 20 years! How they must feel to learn that they were lied to and attacked their own government because they believed that lie.
I genuinely feel bad for everyone who was duped by lies that the 2020 election was stolen. Now a few of them are spending the rest of their lives in jail.
I would be livid.
My Hope
I hope that you take the time to read this letter with an open mind and that it opens your mind, and your eyes, to what your politicians and media are doing to you.
Thank you for taking the time to read this.