Saturday, February 8, 2025
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Why the Right Blames DEI

Diversity is embracing the differences everyone brings to the table, whether it’s someone’s race, age, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, physical ability or other aspects of social identity.

The Right blames DEI for everything and it all began after President Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act in 1964. Conservatives have been salty about the whole “equal rights” thing ever since. As Dr. Rashad Richey, JD, PhD, EdD, MBA, LL.M said, “When you’re used to privilege, equality feels like oppression.”

Republicans were happy when Clarence Thomas helped them take down Affirmative Action.

Number 1 icon Affirmative Action

Affirmative Action was put in place by President John F. Kennedy when he signed Executive Order 10925, saying, “take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, creed, color or national origin.”

Back then diversity meant having a variety of sexes, races, and religions in a workforce. Studies have shown that diverse groups perform better when compared to a homogenous group (where all members are of the same sex, race, or religion).

In fact, companies with diversity of their leadership groups will perform 35% better than other companies in the same industry in terms of financial returns.

So why aren’t more corporations criticizing Republicans for penalizing any company with a DEI specialist or department? Probably because they care more about deregulation and tax cuts, which will more than make up for the 35% loss in revenue. (That’s just a speculation! No sources for that one).

They have also gone after medical schools and federal government contractors who incorporate DEI practices or policies in their organization. They’ve also created legislation banning it from the government all together.

Tell me again how Republicans aren’t racist and they don’t believe White men should be the only group that is given opportunities in employment, education, and the federal government. I’ll wait…

Republicans talk about small government, but they are so quick to tell us what we can read, where we can go, who can get married, what we can do in our bedrooms, what pregnant women can do with their bodies, what teachers can teach… or even say, what kids learn in school, what religion is used to indoctrinate them, and what practices and policies a private company can use in their business.

That does NOT sound like small government to me! It’s more like ‘small government when Democrats are in power ‘cuz we don’t like them, but when we are in power, we force our will, our beliefs, and our religion on the American people while we rob them blind.’ Project 2025 tells us what the next 4 years hold and I just can’t.

One of the frustrating aspects of their attacks is the way they combine or equate DEI and Affirmative Action. Those are two separate concepts that work differently to produce different outcomes.

Affirmative Action was developed as a means to reach the ultimate goal of equal employment opportunity (EEOE = equal employment opportunity employer).

It consists of special actions in recruitment, hiring, and other areas which are designed to eliminate the present effects of past discrimination, such as the under representation of minorities and women, and the employment of veterans and persons with disabilities.

The purpose of affirmative action is to achieve equal employment opportunity by making up for past discrimination, and overcoming discrimination in the workplace (Definition from UCLA campus human resources page)

Number 2 icon DEI

DEI, or Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, is a framework used by companies to create a workforce that is diverse—where all employees are treated equally, provided the same opportunities and resources (equity), and no one feels excluded. Everyone is included, regardless of their race, sex, or religion.

DEI creates success and higher profits for companies. Something I would think Republicans support for their corporate donors but, no, their racism is stronger than their supplication to establishment corruption.

DEI experts provided their own definitions to CNN:

Diversity is embracing the differences everyone brings to the table, whether it’s someone’s race, age, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, physical ability or other aspects of social identity.

Equity is treating everyone fairly and providing equal opportunities.

Inclusion is respecting everyone’s voice and creating a culture where people from all backgrounds feel encouraged to express their ideas and perspectives.

Those are terrifying concepts for White Supremacists! (I am not saying all Republicans are White Supremacists, but they support the beliefs of the group according to their rhetoric, and some have spoken at White Nationalist conventions, so..)

Number 3 icon Republicans and Racism (anti-DEI)

Can we start just saying it out loud? Republicans are racist. When they call someone a “DEI hire,” the translation is: “You aren’t White, so there is no way you got the job because you are qualified.” They’ve gone so far as to call people of color who have been elected into office, “DEI hires.”

The more Republicans can get us to hate and blame each other as human beings in this country, the more corruption they can engage in unnoticed (Democrats do it, too, but aren’t as nefarious).

Serena Z., Editor

That doesn’t even make sense, yet the folks who listen to these fools will just accept everything Republican politicians and pundits—on Fox News, Newsmax and conservative podcasts—say even if it makes no logical sense whatsoever.

The GOP has been blaming DEI for decades and the voters just accept it. When will they realize that blaming minority groups is the Party’s way of hiding the corrupt things they’re engaged in behind the scenes? Scott Jennings on CNN got his ass handed to him for doing the same thing the hosts at Fox News have been doing when reporting on the fires in Los Angeles.

In fact, Maria Bartiromo took it a step farther on her show when she blamed immigrants for the fires.

After both terrorist attacks on New Year’s Eve, Republicans immediately saw the tragedies as an opportunity to use them to their advantage and seized on that opportunity by blaming immigrants and the border1 for the attacks. Even though both men were American citizens who served or were currently serving in our military.

Radicalization and extremism in the military is an issue, so they needed to change the narrative quick.

The more Republicans can get us to fight each other, the more corruption they can engage in unnoticed.

With us divided, they have control, but if Americans were united, they would no longer be able to control us. They use identity politics to pit groups against each other so that we’ll never unite as a class—the working class—and fight back against our corporate overlords.

—Serena Zehlius, Editor at Zany Progressive

You can’t afford a house or groceries, but look! Women run the LA County fire department. The wildfires destroying people’s lives must be their fault.” Meanwhile they do nothing to help the situation.

And when you lose Medicaid and SNAP benefits—the two programs they DO intend to cut funding for—they will have you blaming immigrants and each other while they once again give the richest people and corporations tax cuts.

It’s a worn out, and frankly, lazy playbook but if it’s working, why would they change it? Republican voters, the next time they start talking about DEI and trans people’s bathroom ventures, just pause a moment to pull back the curtain and see what’s really going on. 9 times out of 10, they are screwing you and helping their billionaire friends. Just look at Trump’s cabinet full of them.

One last tip: Do you know why they attack books, librarians, teachers, and education in general? (They are going to shut down the entire Department of Education) Because they think stupid people are easier to control. They believe whatever politicians and pundits say. “Keep them stupid and poor.” is a common phrase referring to a lack of education is being the reason they are able to screw you over every time while you cheer them on and then still vote for them in the next election.

Republicans will give you constant culture wars and people to blame and hate, but they won’t give you higher minimum wage, healthcare, paid family leave, child care assistance, student debt relief, or free preschool and community college. That would help you, and keeping you stupid and poor us more important.

For more on Republicans acting against the interests of voters , check out my other work: Dear Republican Voters, a letter to the voters exposing “some stuff,” and Why People Vote Against Their Own Best Interests, a self-explanatory deep-dive.

  1. Every time a Republican blames Democrats for people coming across the border, I scream at my television. Democrats made concessions in order to solve problems at the border with the bipartisan border bill. It was negotiated between Republicans, Democrats, and Independents, with Oklahoma Senator James Lankford (R) leading them. It was set to pass before God Emporer Trump spoke his commands and the spineless Republicans did as they were told. They killed the bill so that 1) Biden wouldn’t get “the win” and 2) so Trump could run on the border. How would he do that if it was fixed? So spare me with your fake outrage after you refused to fix the immigration system, a$$holes. ↩︎
Serena Zehlius is a passionate writer and political commentator with a knack for blending humor and satire into her insights on pressing social issues. With several college degrees under her belt, including studies in civics, government, and political…

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