Thursday, February 6, 2025
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All About Project 2025: The Playbook For A Trump Presidency, Written By the Heritage Foundation

The Heritage Foundation is the group behind Project 2025, a must-read, important, 900+ page manual for the Republican candidate, Donald Trump, to follow as soon as he’s back in the White House. Before he stocks the fridge with cans of Diet Coke, every American voter should read this book online before casting a ballot in November.

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Project 2025: The Largest Mass Deportation Event in History

There are so many plans, instructions, blueprints and directives included in its 900+ pages that no one could provide a complete list of the horrors found inside this manual. The mass deportation of millions—rounding them up and putting them in camps by the border to await deportation—is one that’s often discussed.

The end of birthright citizenship means that anyone born in America to immigrant parents who came here illegally, will be deported to a country they may have never even visited. A country where they know no one, and may not even speak the language (even after they’ve grown up, had their own children, worked, and contributed to society in this country).

If you think you can handle it mentally and emotionally, take the time to really think this plan through. What are the details? The logistics? How will they determine who is here illegally? If they go by people who never returned for their asylum court dates, how will they determine where to find them? (I would assume that if Border Control kept track of them, they’d just go pick them up, right?

So apparently there’s no location info on them.) How will they know who to target after ending birthright citizenship? How will they force people to remain in the camps? Will they have armed guards surrounding them? Will they have people in cages or chained up? The “how” is even more terrifying than the “what.”

News broke recently about the Trump campaign having a database of gun owners. It was started during the 2016 campaign so they could target gun owners with gun-related campaign materials (Do Democrats have anything like this? ?)

Using a specialized algorithm, each voter was given a score based on how likely (on a scale ranging from 0= highly unlikely to 1= highly likely) it was that they owned a firearm, what type, if they went hunting, and other gun-related data. The father of the 20-year-old that climbed onto a roof and fired at Trump during the Pennsylvania rally scored highly likely (0.99) to own a rifle and go hunting.

Now that we know about this, are there other databases? Of dreamers? Of immigrants who haven’t been granted asylum?

Some of the Other Plans The Heritage Foundation Leaders Included in Project 2025

They plan to shut down departments and government institutions like the Departments of Education and Labor, the FDA (in order to reverse approval of the abortion pill), the NAOA, OSHA, EPA, and more. They will reverse all climate legislation along with the regulations on corporations that prevent the pollution of the air we breathe and the water we drink.

There will be a national abortion ban with criminal prosecutions. Anyone producing or distributing pornography will be jailed. Every expert employed by the government, public and private sectors, will be replaced by people who have only one qualification requirement —loyalty to Donald Trump.

Perhaps the scariest change of all: The Department of Justice will now be part of the Executive branch. With rules like: all investigations and prosecutions must go through the President. Do you want Donald Trump deciding who to investigate and prosecute? I don’t! There is also mention of directing the FCC (which will now be run by Trump cronies) to take any news shows off the air that report negative news about the new President of a Christian Nationalist Nation.

Project 2025 by the heritage foundation official book cover for purchase on the website.
Cover of the book format that can be ordered on

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This page will be a specialized source of all news and content about Project 2025 and the Heritage Foundation. It will be a collection of content that can be referenced often during the 2024 election season and for years, even decades, to come. If the outcome of this election turns out to be the beginning of the end of democracy, the information collected here will be invaluable for anyone wanting to understand what Trump and his administration of cronies are up to. Even if the Democratic candidate wins, we’ll be contending with a party, its leader, and his followers that have already attempted to overthrow one election they didn’t win.

Donald Trump already has his own topic page, so if you’re looking for news about the formerpresident in particular, you can go to his page.

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