
Biden warns stakes higher for aid to Ukraine after death of Navalny

President Joe Biden urged U.S. House Republicans on Friday to approve funding for Ukraine after Russian dissident Alexei Navalny died.

President Joe Biden urged U.S. House Republicans on Friday to approve funding for Ukraine after Russian dissident Alexei Navalny died in the custody of Vladimir Putin’s government.

Speaking from the White House Friday afternoon, Biden said the death of Navalny, a persistent critic of Russian President Putin, should add urgency to assisting Ukraine’s defense against Russia’s invasion. The United States could not resupply Ukraine without Congress passing a supplemental funding bill, Biden said.

Biden criticized efforts by congressional Republicans to block funding for Ukraine, saying he hoped Navalny’s death would push them to pass an aid bill.

The Senate passed a $95 billion emergency spending package with assistance for Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan on Feb. 13, but the U.S. House adjourned Thursday for a President’s Day recess without acting on aid.

House members are scheduled to return Feb. 28.

“It’s about time they step up, don’t you think? Instead of going on a two-week vacation?” Biden told reporters. “Two weeks. What are they thinking? My God, this is bizarre. And it’s just reinforcing all the concern, and almost — I won’t say panic, but real concern about the United States being a reliable ally. This is outrageous.”

Biden renewed his criticism of his predecessor, former President Donald Trump, who last weekend said he would encourage Russia to “do whatever the hell they want” to NATO allies that had not met their obligations to the alliance.

“This is an outrageous thing for a president to say,” Biden said Friday. “As long as I’m president, America stands by our sacred commitment to our NATO allies.”

Trump is the leading Republican candidate to oppose Biden’s reelection in November.

Asked if Navalny’s death was an assassination, Biden said it was unclear exactly what happened, but that blame clearly lay with Putin.

“There’s no doubt that the death of Navalny was a consequence of something that Putin and his thugs did,” Biden said.

Navalny was a longtime critic of the authoritarian leader. He survived a poisoning widely seen as an assassination attempt in 2020. After receiving treatment and recuperating in Berlin, he returned to Russia in 2021 and was imprisoned. Russia’s prison service said Friday he died in custody.

Biden called the death “more proof of Putin’s brutality.”

The U.S. president praised Navalny’s courage and dedication to his cause.

“Even in prison, he was a powerful voice for the truth, which is kind of amazing when you think about it. And he could have lived safely in exile after the assassination attempt on him in 2020, which nearly killed him,” Biden said. “He knew it was a cause worth fighting for and even worth dying for.”

Utah Republican Sen. Mitt Romney said Friday that Navalny’s death underscored the brutality of Putin’s regime.

A string of Putin’s political opponents have seen untimely ends, which continued with Navalny’s death in a prison inside the Arctic Circle, Romney said at a press event in Salt Lake City.

“He took his political opponent, very popular in Russia, put him in prison, put him north of the Arctic Circle,” Romney said of Putin. “Surprise, surprise he didn’t live. It’s an outrage that the world has not recognized that Vladimir Putin is a very bad person. And I’m proud to be in a nation where we have disagreements, but where we respect one another, respect the rule of law, and don’t allow the kind of brutality that you’re seeing at the hands of Vladimir Putin.”

Biden spoke for about five minutes, then took a handful of questions from reporters, including on the Israel-Hamas war.

Biden said he’s had “extensive conversations” with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in recent days in which he urged Netanyahu to seek a ceasefire with Hamas to allow the release of hostages held by the militant group.

Biden said he did not anticipate Israel would launch “any massive land invasion in the meantime.”

U.S. citizens are among those still held hostage after Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack on the U.S. ally, Biden said.

Biden has faced increasing pressure from progressive members of his party to take a stronger role in forcing Israel to cease its counteroffensive.

Alixel Cabrera contributed to this report.

Excerpts or more from an article that was originally published on Arkansas Advocate is included in this post under a Creative Commons License.

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