Thursday, March 6, 2025

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Mourning the Results of the 2024 Election

I am still mourning the loss of the 2024 election. I haven’t moved on just yet because it was such a shock! I believed that women would come out and win it for Harris and Walz. What happened to Roevember? “A woman scorned?” Now I worry that we are going to pay the price with mass deportation, tariffs causing inflation with prices going back up again. The “No tax on tips” will be Trump giving all earned tips back to the business owners (like he tried to do before), then not taxing them as part of the billionaire/rich elite/oligarchy. People will suffer, and although I’ll want to say, “F you!” I will comfort them.
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I posted this on Medium yesterday. Thought I would share it here as well, even though it was written in a moment of grief. If I am anything, it’s honest and transparent. I got a little conspiracy theorist, but I explain why.

I will make this short. I just need to get these thoughts out of my head and onto “paper.” I don’t know about everyone else, but the results of the 2024 election shocked me to the core. Kamala Harris wanted to move the country forward, she had the Opportunity Economy plan. Her rallies drew massive numbers of people and instead of people standing around bored as Trump rambles on and on and on…

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the people at Harris rallies were dancing and cheering and chanting, “We’re not going back!” The arenas vibrated with laughter, joy, and excitement. Just as Bryan Cranston said during the Oprah special, Harris brought excitement and hope in politics again.

Harris was compassionate as she spoke about Amber Thurman and Candi Miller, two women who died because of Georgia’s strict 6-week abortion ban. Both of them were mothers of young children. Harris toured the country in her Reproductive rights bus, talking to women, listening to their stories.

I admit I have woken up feeling confused the last few days and when I remember who won the election, I simply cannot believe it. For Trump to win every battleground state AND the popular vote? I hate to sound like a conspiracy theorist, but I just can’t shake this feeling that something isn’t right.

Was it Louis Dejoy? Was it Republican election officials? Trump is a billionaire conman who thrives in a hate and fear-fueled environment. He has said so many horrible things. Harris has a middle-class background and has worked in public service for decades.

Her economic policies were focused on helping the average American. Four women (that we know of) have died because they couldn’t get emergency reproductive healthcare. I thought women were going to carry this election and save democracy and women’s rights. Where was “Roevember”? WTF happened?

On X there was a letter posted from a Pennsylvania official (government or election. I can’t remember) requesting that they get extra time counting because 15 million ballots were missing! A user commented that he tracked his ballot and it said that it had not been counted.

Another user said the same. I quickly located the email that contained the link to track my ballot. The website was down. That made me extremely concerned. I was able to track it the next day but the last status update was: Received by the county on 10/14/24.

I had been following court cases and rule changes over the date on the outside of the ballot envelope in Pennsylvania. They changed the rule 3 times and then stated that an error in the date would result in the ballot being tossed out. A court ruled that it violated a voter’s rights and that an error in the date on the outside of the envelope could not be used as an excuse to toss out a ballot. Unfortunately, the State Supreme Court voided that ruling, so the date rule was in effect in this election.

Then you had the Texas college student who registered to vote during a voter registration drive on her college campus. She was excited to vote for Harris, but her paper application hadn’t been entered into the system. Texas only has paper applications and apparently they get lost often.

This raises more questions. How many other people in Texas couldn’t vote for that reason? How many applications from that drive weren’t entered? Is there a chance that none of the Democratic voter registrations were entered? Again, Im not trying to be conspiratorial—I know nothing would overturn the 2024 election results. I’m just curiousTexas Voters Unable to Vote: Paper Voter Registration Forms Not Put In System!

I’m going to end this post with some questions.

What about all of the ballot boxes that were set on fire? What happened to those ballots?

What about the ballot boxes that were flooded with water? Were those votes just gone? How many ballots were in those boxes?

What about all of the Republican governors who purged voter rolls in Democratic areas? How many people that could’ve voted weren’t able to because of purging?

I won’t say anything else, but I would feel so much better if I got some comments letting me know that I am not alone in feeling this way…

Serena Zehlius is a passionate writer and political commentator with a knack for blending humor and satire into her insights on news, politics, and social issues. Serena spent over a decade in the veterinary field as a devoted veterinary assistant and pet sitting business owner. Her love for animals is matched only by her commitment to human rights and progressive values. When she’s not writing about politics, you can find her exploring nature or advocating for a better world for both people and pets. Join Serena on her journey of witty commentary and heartfelt activism, as she tackles the quirks of life and politics with a friendly, empathetic flair.

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