Impeach Trump Again, a nonpartisan campaign led by Free Speech For People, has garnered over 100,000 petition signatures, signaling widespread support for an impeachment investigation of President Donald Trump.
Launched on Inauguration Day, the petition calls on the U.S. Congress to initiate an immediate impeachment investigation into Donald Trump’s violations of the Emoluments Clauses, his unlawful, corrupt campaign practices, and his pardoning and blocking the prosecution of fellow January 6 insurrectionists.
The campaign today has added multiple new grounds for an impeachment inquiry based on Trump’s continued abuses of power since assuming the office.
“Trump keeps taking lawless and unconstitutional actions. He has been in office for less than two weeks, and the impeachable offenses continue to pile up,” says John Bonifaz, Co-Founder and President of Free Speech For People. “We must demand accountability when a president abuses his power.”
The Constitution contains two Emoluments Clauses that prohibit a president from profiting from the United States, individual states, or foreign governments (U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 9, Clause 8; and Article II, Section 1, Clause 7).
As understood by the Founding Fathers, these provide a critical safeguard against corruption, particularly by foreign powers. As Alexander Hamilton explained, the Foreign Emoluments Clause ensures that foreign powers “can neither weaken his fortitude by operating on his necessities, nor corrupt his integrity by appealing to his avarice.” The Federalist No. 73.
Trump violated the Emoluments Clauses from his first day in office by refusing to sell his ownership stake in companies receiving substantial payments from foreign governments.
At least five foreign governments pay a combined $2 million per month in fees for their units in Trump World Tower.
The campaign lists additional impeachable offenses committed during Trump’s 2024 election campaign and leading up to the inauguration, including: threatening physical violence, including murder, against political opponents, journalists, and protestors; using racist, xenophobic rhetoric that has endangered immigrant communities; and violating campaign finance laws by offering benefits in exchange for campaign contributions.
It also highlights the real concern of future offenses, should Congress not follow its constitutional requirement to launch an impeachment investigation.
Since taking office, the campaign has added multiple new grounds for an impeachment inquiry, including: abuse of the pardon power, unconstitutionally stripping U.S. citizens of citizenship, dismantling independent government oversight, unlawfully firing Inspector Generals, unlawfully firing members of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and the National Labor Relations Board, abusing his power to seek retributions against perceived adversaries, abuse of emergency powers, unconstitutionally usurping local and state authority, and unconstitutionally usurping legislative powers.
“The overwhelming support for impeachment shows that the American public is not willing to accept King Trump,” says Alexandra Flores-Quilty, Free Speech For People Campaign Director.
“We need bold leaders in Congress willing to stand up and hold Trump accountable for his abuses of power and initiate an impeachment inquiry.”
This article was originally published on Common Dreams and republished here, with permission, under a Creative Commons license. See our third-party content disclaimer.