A Pennsylvania state senator with ties to the Jan. 6 attacks believes that the well-documented phenomenon of condensation trails is actually part of a nefarious government plot.
I have 2 embarrassing things to say about this article.
1) My ex-husband is a hardcore chemtrails believer.
2) Doug Mastriano is a Senator in my state.
That is all.
A far-right state senator in Pennsylvania is going to war against long-lingering condensation trails left in the sky by aircraft, proposing legislation that leans into a conspiracy theory that they contain harmful chemicals.
The so-called “chemtrails” theory posits that planes are secreting toxic chemicals into the air for nefarious but vague purposes, running the gamut from weather control to forced sterilization to mind control. Contrails, the theory goes, are not benign vapor streams, but rather proof of the secret programs at work.
Scientists, including researchers at Harvard, have said there is no evidence for the existence of chemtrails.
The bill proposed by Sen. Doug Mastriano would ban the release of substances affecting the state’s temperature, weather, or sunlight into the atmosphere over Pennsylvania by updating a state law passed in 1967 to regulate amateur efforts to tinker with weather modification.
(Please click through to read the entire article on The Daily Beast website. I promote good work and if no one is visiting their site from here, it negates my purpose. Thanks. I appreciate you!?)