
Top Viral YouTube Videos in 2024: From Music to Cringy Ad Campaigns.

There are some YouTube videos that are known all over the world (and some that only people in the U. S. will remember). They are still popular in 2024 because they went viral. Some of these YouTube videos were unpopular when they first hit the internet. Over time people came to know them because they went viral later on. Others had instant success—going viral in one day. This is a list of videos that achieved viral status by 2024. It doesn't matter when these YouTube videos became known as a ‘viral video’, they made the Zany list of the hottest viral YouTube videos in 2024. Everyone has a favorite video; maybe its a Fail Compilation, a Don't Laugh Challenge (bonus: with water), a gamer screamed while playing a horror game, or maybe you have a favorite music video. Zany Progressive has traversed the interweb to bring you a list of the top viral YouTube videos in 2024. What’s your fave video? Did it make the list?Tell us in the comments!

1 All-time Best viral music video in 2024. (cue friends in a car singing along to this fan favorite)

When we think of nostalgic music videos, our minds go to the 80’s or 90’s (unless you were born in the 2000’s 🙄).

In 2024, “nostalgic” viral music videos include those super-catchy, fun songs we loved to hate in the 2000’s. The next viral video on this list is a perfect example.

2 Gangnam Style is a viral youTube video we classify as nostalgic in 2024.

We remember how annoying we thought this song was the first time we heard it coming from the computer in our kid’s room. Even in 2024, this is a YouTube video that “takes you back.” Whether you’re willing to admit it or not, you had fun watching this viral video. Gangnam Style!

3 Viral Ad Campaign/Public Service Message music videos

There was a period of time when it seemed like all of the popular brands (and some government agencies) jumped on the bandwagon to set their message to cringey—yet catchy—music. The commercials everyone knows because they were so bad they went viral.

Your Turn!

What video(s) do you think belong on this list? Let us know in the comments and we’ll add them!
