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Are Conservative Radio Hosts Blind to Their Hypocrisy?

On a recent episode of a show on Conservative radio, the hypocrisy was astounding. So much so that I have to wonder if they're blind to it or they think listeners are too dumb to see it.

I listen to Conservative radio so you don’t have to in order to keep up with the latest talking points. Sometimes their hypocrisy is excruciating.

Conspiracy theories

There was a recent conversation about Hunter Biden’s conviction on gun charges that was so glaringly hypocritical that I was cringing for the Conservative radio host and guest engaged in the discussion. On the Brian Kilmeade show, a guest was providing her commentary on the trial and resulting guilty verdict. Instead of viewing it as a sign that the criminal justice system isn’t partisan, they decided to see it as a plan by Democrats to make them think it’s not.

So the President of the United States chose to throw his son under the bus, and risk him getting possible jail time, just to change the Republican’s view of the DOJ? That’s ridiculous. It’s also projection. They are the ones that think in such conspiratorial terms that they would concoct an outrageous plan like that simply to contradict statements made by the other party. 

Hunter Biden’s laptop

The guest also made the statement that ‘the Hunter Biden laptop story being hidden from voters right before the 2020 election was appalling.’ There’s no telling how it would have affected the election results! Do you see the hypocrisy there? Have they already forgotten about Trump’s 34 guilty verdicts? About the affair with Stormy Daniels? That story that Trump paid hush money for—and then falsified business records to cover up that payment—in order to keep it hidden from voters right before the 2016 election?

Since they brought up that damn laptop again, I want to clarify something. When they talk about President Biden trying to keep the laptop story off of social media by pressuring them to take “it” down, they don’t mention that it wasn’t about the laptop story, but about the photos from said laptop. A Twitter employee confirmed during a hearing that the Biden administration had contacted them asking to have the nude photos of President Biden’s son taken down. You cannot tell me that if nude photos of Don Jr. snorting cocaine appeared on social media (if they hadn’t already) while Trump was President that he wouldn’t have tried to have them removed. The only difference would’ve been the intent: Biden was protecting his son. Trump would’ve been protecting his own image and embarrassment. 

The “Twitter Files”

During the hearing on the laptop/social media scandal, Republican Representative Byron Donalds questioned a Twtter employee.

From Rolling Stone:

“The email is very clear: ‘More to review from Biden team.’ The response three hours later: ‘Handled these,’” Donalds said while gesturing to a giant poster board with URLs that had linked to images of Hunter Biden’s penis. “What does ‘handled these’ mean?’” The Twitter employee responded:

“My understanding is that these tweets contained nonconsensual nude photos of Hunter Biden, and they were removed by the company under our terms of service.”

Russiagate was brought up while discussing the Hunter Biden laptop story and Brian Kilmeade’s guest mentioned how the DOJ worked behind the scenes to protect Hunter and keep the story from the public. ‘Unlike the Russiagate nonsense that Democrats are still talking about to this day.’ You can’t mention “Hunter Biden laptop” and then complain that Dems are still talking about something from the past. Period. 

Evidence in court = facts

Finally,  there was the “obvious evidence” in the Hunter Biden case that has now been presented in a court of law during a criminal trial.” Anyone that still denies that the evidence is real is disgusting. I’m not even going to explain the hypocrisy on that one because it’s just too obvious. 

Republican voters, stay awake

Its oftentimes difficult for me to tell if Republicans are honestly unaware of their hypocrisy or if they are simply counting on the voters being too stupid to see the connection. A video was posted yesterday about the trend of stupidity happening in this country. It isn’t surprising when you realize the game plan of the GOP has always been to keep voters poor and uneducated, because its easier to control the masses that way. Why do you think we’ve been telling you all to “stay woke?”

Serena is the owner of the website and THE Zany Progressive. She's also the editor, so you will find her personal commentary before the news articles from other sources. Serena also writes her own news articles and content.

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