Thursday, March 6, 2025

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Jesse Watters: ‘You can’t fake an interaction like that!’ after a staged interaction between Trump and fast food customer

If you saw any Fox News since yesterday, you know they were all gushing over Donald Trump’s random stop at a Chic-Fil-A in Atlanta.
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If you saw any Fox News since yesterday, you know they were all gushing over Donald Trump’s random stop at a Chic-Fil-A in Atlanta where he spoke with customers and bought them all milkshakes and chicken sandwiches. 

Jesse Watters was referring to an interaction that took place afterwards when everyone was crowded around Donald Trump. A young Black woman was fangirling in the front row and told Trump, ‘I don’t care what they say about you, you’ve got my vote.’ She then gave him a hug. She went up and hugged him, giddy and excited like me at 12-years-old if I had gotten to hug a member of New Kids on the Block.

“You can’t fake an interaction like that”

Yes, you can, Jesse, because the Trump campaign did just that. First, think about the chances of Trump entering a fast food restaurant in Atlanta and everyone there being a Trump supporter? If you’re saying, yeah… but I guess it is possible… then let me provide further evidence. The beautiful Black woman that hugged Trump used to work for Candace Owens, and now works with Charlie Kirk. There are photos of her with GOP politicians. Her name is Michaelah Montgomery and a quick Google search brought up her Linkedin profile.

Immediately afterwards, Michaelah appeared on Fox News. When asked what it was like to meet President Trump, her first response was “in all of the chaos I wasn’t able to get out my entire message.” What message? The script they gave you to say while the cameras were on you? (just a guess! I have no proof)

Don’t get me wrong, I am not coming after her or trying to shame her—she was just doing her job in outreach and engagement. Mad respect for her success and founding an LLC. Not many college students are focused and driven enough to have a career and a business while in college!

No, I’m not mad at her. I’m angry with Fox News, who was probably in on it, lying to their viewers and touting Trump’s “random” stop to meet the voters “where they’re at,” as though Biden has never done it. ?

So that’s Michaelah. But what about all of the other Trump supporter customers?

The rest of the group of “random customers” was made up of people from Charlie Kirk’s organization and GOP operatives.

I know Fox News will never admit it, but I’m curious to find out if CNN or MSNBC will figure it out and say something. The Right is making such a huge deal about this as if Joe Biden doesn’t stop at an ice cream shop in every city he visits. 

president joe biden visits jeni’s splendid ice creams and gets an ice cream cone, tuesday, january 25, 2022, in washington, d.c.Pin
President joe biden visits jeni’s splendid ice creams and gets an ice cream cone, tuesday, january 25, 2022, in washington, d. C. (official white house photo by adam schultz)

By the way, Jesse Watters, you spent a segment disparaging Joe Biden for drinking through a straw, but you didn’t say a word about Trump slurping down a milkshake through a straw at Chic-Fil-A. So your claim that NO man should ever use a straw applies to all men except Donald Trump? Your lying, unprincipled ass is showing.

Serena is the Editor in Chief. She launched the site in January of 2023 and trademarked the Zany Progressive name late last year. Want to see your work featured on the site? Visit for more info!

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