It is beyond me how people like Jim Jordan continue to get elected, though I think I have a pretty good idea:

When they gerrymandered the hell out of it, I wonder if they were trying to make it look like a duck? All jokes aside, this is how Republicans stay in office. The population makeup of his redrawn district is 85% White. Jim Jordan is spending the time he should be using to listen to your needs, harassing Georgia District Attorney Fani Willis. He is using his position in government to threaten and intimidate her for doing her job—holding people accountable for crimes they commit in Georgia.
People of District 4 in Ohio: What are you doing? Why do you continue sending someone to D.C. to work for you and better your lives that doesn’t do anything for you? Maybe you forgot the point of our Representatives, but don’t feel bad, because we’ve all forgotten it to some degree. Congress rarely does anything that the American citizens want. They do the bidding of their donors. Period.
Jim Jordan, Insurrectionist
Jim Jordan played a major role in the insurrection on January 6th, 2021. Following GOP logic, that makes him a traitor. He wastes our time and tax dollars holding sham hearings about the “weaponization of government” for one reason: To please Donald Trump. I will never understand why all of these Republican men piss themselves and drop to their knees whenever Trump is present. They are willing to attack the judicial system, a separate but equal branch of government. They care more about what Donald Trump thinks of them than they do about saving our democracy!
Jim Jordan District Stats
Jim Jordan’s ditrict has a high crime rate and a high poverty rate, yet he never proposes legislation to change anything. In fact, Jim Jordan was sent to Congress in 2006. In his entire time there, he has passed zero pieces of legislation. Why is that? Perhaps he knows his gerrymandered district all but guarantees his win in elections, so why work for votes? The poverty rate in District 4 is 10.4% which is about 80% of the National rate (12.4%).

The crime rate in Jim Jordan’s district is worse than New York City.
“With a crime rate of 37 per one thousand residents, Mansfield has one of the highest crime rates in America compared to all communities of all sizes — from the smallest towns to the very largest cities.” listed the New York City area as a D+ — but Mansfield a D.
District 4 of Ohio, I am reaching out to you to ask you to please vote him out this November. Elect someone that is going to work to make your lives and your district better. Stop settling for someone that could care less if your lives are improved—As long as he can continue to sit in that precious seat—which belongs to you—and collect checks from donors and lobbyists.