Ted Cruz has always been one to go on Fox News and beg for money, but it has recently become laughable. He has been making the rounds, with appearances on every possible show on the network, to beg viewers to “please send money”… $20, $500, or “even $1,000,” he said recently.
Rush donations to blahblahcruz.com.
Blaming Mitch McConnell for lack of funds? I don’t have a speck of love in my heart for Mitch, but Ted, do you not remember Lara Trump becoming the RNC leader, going on Fox News, and saying that every dime raised by the RNC will be going to Donald Trump?
Trump Conned You, Ted Cruz

Trump already hogs all of the donations from the GOP base. He does not share, and he does infomercials for some new grifty product every week! Your base has no money left! Did Lara Trump get installed in the RNC to help the Republican party? NO! She was put there to funnel money to Trump so he can pay his legal fees. Not one person in your party came out and said anything about how the purpose of the RNC is to support the entire party, not just one greedy demagogue.
Therefore, I do not feel bad for anyone in the GOP. You have made the calculation that following an orange fascist would be in your best interest. You all chose money and power over democracy and the constitution. The party deserves what Trump has done, and is continuing to do, to it. You have become a party of fascist, big government, conspiracy theorists. I will be forever grateful for the content you have provided for Zany Progressive.
Now shut up and sit down, Ted Cruz. Enjoy reaping what you have sown.