Daniel Martinez HoSang is a Professor of Ethnicity Race and Migration and American Studies and holds a secondary appointment in the Department of Political Science and serves on the Education Studies Advisory Committee. His most recent book is A Wider Type of Freedom: How Struggles for Racial Justice Liberate Everyone (University of California Press, 2021). HoSang is the co-author (with Joseph Lowndes) of Producers, Parasites, Patriots: Race and the New Right-Wing Politics of Precarity (University of Minnesota Press, 2019) and the author of the author of Racial Propositions: Ballot Initiatives and the Making of Postwar California (University of California Press, 2010) which was awarded the 2011 James A Rawley Prize from the Organization of American Historians. He is the co-editor of three volumes: Seeing Race Again: Countering Colorblindness Across the Disciplines (with Kimberle Crenshaw, Luke Harris and George Lipsitz) University of California Press, 2019; Relational Formations of Race: Theory, Method and Practice (co-edited with Ramon Gutiérrez and Natalia Molina), University of California Press, 2019; and Racial Formation in the 21st Century (with Oneka LaBennett and Laura Pulido) University of California Press, 2012).