Editor’s Picks is a page containing the favorite posts written by the Zany Progressive Editor, Serena Zehlius. She sometimes writes snarky political opinion posts, but her favorite articles are the ones she spent the most time researching and writing.
As someone who loves to learn, the Zany editor will never pass up a chance to learn more about a topic in order to write about it for the website. If you’re a member of the Community, you can follow or send a friend request to Serena @szehlius.
Here are the Editor’s picks for favorite posts.
How to Start a Nonprofit: Change Lives Forever
How to start a Nonprofit provides you with a step-by-step guide of the entire process.
Successful Police Reform in Camden, New Jersey – Lessons Learned
Police reform success in Camden, New Jersey has shown us that reform isn’t just possible,…
10 simple ways to make your home more eco-friendly: Easy tips for a greener lifestyle
Making your home more eco-friendly doesn’t have to be an overwhelming task. By implementing these…
Alarming Rise of Radicalization and Extremism in U.S. Military
In 2021, the FBI alerted Congress that there was an issue with radicalization in the…
Wealth and Power: A Look at the Billionaires in the Trump administration
Donald Trump has assembled the wealthiest administration ever. Who are the billionaires in the Trump…
4 Progressive Policies That Transformed Women’s Rights in America
Explore four key policies transforming women’s rights in America and learn how the fight for…
The Effects of Israel’s Blockade of Gaza
Israel’s blockade of Gaza and the occupation has resulted in pain and hardship for the…
Connection Between Climate Change and Politics: Polarization Prevents Meaningful Legislation
Climate change is one of the most important issues we face today, with far-reaching consequences…
New Gaza Video: Gideon Levy on 45,000 Dead: “Israel Has Turned Gaza Into Hell”
On this episode of Going Underground, we speak to Gideon Levy, veteran columnist of the…
Are Constitution, Guardrails Strong Enough to Prevent an Authoritarian?
Extreme right-wing operatives have crafted an authoritarian playbook that would push it over the edge,…