Saturday, March 8, 2025

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Are People Just Crazy Conspiracy Theorists For Noticing these Things From the PA Trump Rally Shooting?

Let me preface all of this by saying that I am not claiming the shooting was staged. Like Tucker Carlson would say, I'm just “asking questions.”

Political violence is NEVER warranted. This was an attempted assassination of a former President and a brave father died protecting his family 2 others were critically injured and are still hospitalized. It’s not a joke and my intention is not to convince people that this was not real. I’m simply noting various facts that others have noted who are saying this was a staged event. This is for discussion purposes only. Please do not misconstrue my intentions as trying to convince anyone that this assassination attempt was nothing but.

I wrote all of this as an introduction to another news article, but it turned out to be more detailed than I’d planned so I thought I’d put it in its own post as well. I am sincerely interested in finding out if I am alone in noticing and connecting these things. Let me preface all of this by saying that I am not claiming the shooting was staged. Like Tucker Carlson would say, I’m just “asking questions.”

I was working on the website yesterday when my oldest son yelled “Mom! Did you hear what happened?” He came into the room and told me that Trump was the victim of a shooting, that he had been shot at a rally. I did not believe him at first. Both of my sons (ages 17 and 20) are Trump fans (don’t ask. I blame the group of friends they hang out with in our small town), so they love to troll me for hating Trump so much (they once put a red MAGA hat on the rear dash of my car and I didn’t notice it until I had been driving around for hours). I don’t have cable TV, because who TF can afford it, so I sent a text to my mom first to check the news for me, then a text to a fellow Trump-hater friend to see if she’d heard anything about it,

Both responded that it was, indeed, true that there had been a shooting at a Trump rally and my friend kept me up to date on emerging details afterward. Prior to the identification of the shooter I had asked her if there was any information about them yet, adding, “PLEASE don’t let it be a Democrat or there will be a war!” I eventually found some live broadcasts on YouTube and when they showed the graphic displaying facts about the shooter I screamed at the TV, “Did you REALLY need to add that last part?!” I knew it wouldn’t matter that he was a registered Republican because all the right-wing would latch onto is that he donated $15 to a Progressive group in 2021. I 100% believe the media added that tidbit of info to their graphic specifically to add controversy and elicit anger from those on the right. $15 3 years ago means nothing in the present moment. Am I right?

Here comes the shameful admission. I posted clapping back at the people on X who immediately started claiming the Trump shooting was staged. Before many details had even been released. I had heard that someone in the crowd had died, others were injured, and a gunman was shot, so I didn’t like that people on the Left were acting like Q’Anon. Here are some of the facts I believe are influencing that belief.

1) A reporter was live on the scene when someone pulled over to talk to him because they were at the rally and wanted to say something. A man in a MAGA hat stated that he and his daughter had been to a rally in PA before that had been held near an airport. He remembers how he and his daughter were in awe of the fact that there was a sniper on the roof of every airport hangar and every building nearby. He brought it up because it had left such an impact on them that they took notice right away that there were no snipers on the rooftops this time. Especially considering it was taking place out in the open.

2) A man from the crowd who was interviewed by BBC said he and his friend witnessed the shooter climbing up the building carrying a rifle and they tried alerting police who the interviewee said “looked confused. So they tried alerting the Secret Service snipers by yelling at them and pointing toward the man, but they didn’t appear to understand. There is also video recorded from people in the crowd showing the shooter crawling on the roof to get into place.

3) The Secret Service, as reported by a member of the Oath Keepers, was in on the planning of January 6th, 2021. 

4) A Boston Globe reporter who was at the rally mentioned that he had noticed the building when Secret Service snipers had set up tabletop rifles (or whatever the correct terminology for those are) pointing toward that building prior to the start of the rally. He brushed it off as them noticing a weak security spot and preparing in advance. That being said, wouldn’t they have seen the shooter climbing the building or being on the rooftop before he began firing? Or if they were aware of that building, why didn’t they understand the reason for the men shouting and pointing toward it?

5) Trump is a sociopath without compassion, empathy, or guilt. It would not bother him if his supporters were injured or killed during an assassination attempt just so he could advance his campaign or cause a civil war (remember he yelled “fight” over and over as he was escorted out by the Secret Service? 

Finally, 6) The Leader of Hungary and Trump’s BFF, Viktor Orbán, recently visited Trump again in Mar-a-Lago just after he had arrived in Russia, unannounced (publicly), and met with Putin, the king of false flags. Putin is well-known for his “false flags”used to start wars or unite his country around a certain purpose. Isn’t there a chance they colluded on a Trump shooting event to strengthen his chances of winning? Republican politicians immediately took to social media blaming Biden for the shooting at the Trump rally as if on cue.

So are all of those things simply coincidental? Put together it looks damning, but I am not some crazy conspiracy theorist claiming a shooting targeting Trump was staged. I’m just keeping an open mind because I don’t trust conman Trump and his group of autocrat buddies one bit. Tell me what you think in the comments

Serena Zehlius is a passionate writer and political commentator with a knack for blending humor and satire into her insights on news, politics, and social issues. Serena spent over a decade in the veterinary field as a devoted veterinary assistant and pet sitting business owner. Her love for animals is matched only by her commitment to human rights and progressive values. When she’s not writing about politics, you can find her exploring nature or advocating for a better world for both people and pets. Join Serena on her journey of witty commentary and heartfelt activism, as she tackles the quirks of life and politics with a friendly, empathetic flair.

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