Sunday, March 2, 2025

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Comer panicked as Maxwell Frost called out Trump over financial disaster

Representative James Comer gets visibly agitated as Representative Maxwell Frost calls out Donald Trump for being a grifter.

House Oversight Committee Chair Representative James Comer was clearly upset as Democratic Representative Maxwell Frost called out Trump as a grifter. He and Elon Musk are financially capitalizing on Trump’s administration by the billions.

“A House Oversight Committee hearing got heated Tuesday, with Republican Rep. James Comer of Kentucky threatening to have Democratic Rep. Maxwell Frost of Florida removed from the room for what Comer called a breach in decorum.

Comer, the committee’s chair, did so after Frost criticized President Donald Trump and Elon Musk’s approach to cutting government spending. “People like the grifter in chief, Trump, and President Musk are openly using their public offices to enrich themselves to the tune of billions of dollars,” Frost alleged.

Comer then said he was “going to have the sergeant-at-arms remove him [Frost] if he doesn’t refrain.”

Frost continued: “So if we want to look at waste, fraud and abuse — which I’m down to do — why is there complete silence on the other side of the aisle about looking at the complete grifter that is the president of the United States and the richest man on the earth? … Why don’t we investigate the real corruption?””

Read more here: James Comer threatens to boot Maxwell Frost from hearing for calling Trump ‘grifter in chief’

John Iadarola and Sharon Reed discuss Frost’s balls on The Damage Report.

The Damage Report With John Iadarola, Your daily breakdown of the true threats and challenges facing our country and our world. An unflinching, no holds barred accounting of the damage done by the Trump administration, and the day by day battle to hold them accountable.

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