Each day I learn about something “King Trump” has done that keeps me up that night. I’m unable to sleep—thinking about how things used to be in the country I grew up in. I’m not afraid to admit that I’ve taken freedom and democracy for granted my entire life. I was under the illusion that America would just always be a free country.
Then I get angry thinking about how many people voted for a guy who acted like a traitor to America. He planned a coup to remain in power in 2021, he incited a violent insurrection against our government, and stole top-secret documents that I believe (more each day) he was planning to sell to our adversaries. I thought we hit rock bottom as a country after Vance and Trump bent over for Vladimir Putin in the Oval Office last week. It was definitely a bottom, but we are nowhere near the bottom.
The series of events that have taken place over the last few days appear to make it clear that the Constitution is no longer being upheld—or even followed—by the United States government. At least not that annoying First Amendment Republicans like to cry about if they’re not allowed to say racist crap. If it’s speech they don’t like, though, then f**k it, torch it.
King Trump posted on social media (because that’s the preferred method of communication for weak bullies everywhere) that any college, school, or university (why all 3?) that allows “illegal protests” will lose federal funding. American students who engage in the protest will be expelled or possibly arrested, and foreign students will be deported. He then added, “NO MASKS!” First of all, tell your Nazi friends because they never go out protesting without a full face covering on. Which is so funny when asking them to cover just their nose and mouth during a public health emergency was TYRANNY!

What is an “illegal protest?” According to the Constitution, we have the right to protest, making it LEGAL. He’s referring to protests against the far-right government of Israel. However, because he doesn’t say that explicitly, we don’t know for sure. what if it just depends on his mood that day? What’s legal to protest today might be illegal tomorrow. Is this because he wants the anti-Trump and anti-Musk protests to stop? I have an idea coming up that could possibly connect all of these things.

Freedom of Speech is Dead and King Trump is Definitely Racist (if you had any doubts)
King Trump and Republican goons in the House of Representatives then threatened to withhold funding from Washington, D.C. if Mayor Muriel Bowser didn’t agree to their demands. On Monday, Republican Representative Andrew Clyde of Georgia introduced legislation that, if passed, would force Bowser to rename Black Lives Matter Plaza or else lose federal funding for D.C. Please read that last sentence again. Does that sound like we live in a free country to you?
Trump ordered the removal of the iconic BLACK LIVES MATTER mural from the two-block stretch of 16th Street NW North of the White House. The Mayor was also “forced” to change the name of the street, along with all street signs and plaques, from “Black Lives Matter Plaza” to “Liberty Plaza.” (Does it piss off anyone else when they use all these patriotic terms when they obviously hate our country?)
Local news reported the Mayor’s announcement on the upcoming changes and when she was asked why she was doing it, she said the decision had been made “a few days ago” and that it was “fair to say the White House didn’t like it.”
Freedom of speech is dead and King Trump, with the help of the Republican party, killed it.
This is an attack on freedom of speech AND on the freedom of expression. It also clears up any remaining question about why the Superbowl removed the anti-racist message in advance of Trump attending the game, doesn’t it? Sadly, this wasn’t the only attack on art in the news today. Part of a pro-Palestinian art exhibit at North Texas University was removed over concerns that it was antisemitic. I’m not kidding, though I really wish this was all just a terrible dream we’ll soon wake up from. The policing of speech and protests happening right now is unprecedented.
Ben Shapiro decided to bring up the name of someone he thinks Donald Trump should pardon and Elon Musk shared the post on X and voicing his agreement.
I can barely even type the name… Derek Chauvin. Yes. The police officer in prison for the videotaped execution of George Floyd. Floyd’s death sparked massive protests all over the world in support of Black Lives Matter. After the way the Right lifted up Kyle Rittenhouse and Daniel Penny, I’m surprised it never even crossed my mind that they might suggest this. Chauvin was convicted on state charges, so technically can’t be pardoned by “the King”, but… Eric Adams. The Trump Administration and the DOJ are still trying to get his charges dropped. He hasn’t been convicted and sentenced, though, so it’s not the same. However, I’ve learned never to think Trump won’t do something. He’s the King of America after all!

I’d love to hear from you in the comments about whether you think any of these are connected or if they’re simply separate events taking place in the rapid death of democracy and freedom in America. We don’t have a President anymore. We have a dictator, a fascist, a king who makes demands and expects them to be carried out. The rule of law doesn’t seem to matter to this Administration.
I’m trying to determine if the removal of the Black Lives Matter art and signs is being done to get rid of that visual representation of solidarity before Trump frees Chauvin? Is he doing these things to intentionally spark civil unrest just so he can invoke the Insurrection Act like he wanted to do after his 2020 election loss?
In his first term, there were serious adults in the room to stop him from doing every stupid impulsive thing he thought of. This time he controls the DOJ, the FBI, and the military with absolute sycophants in charge who will do whatever he says.
Please tell me what you think in the comments. Is this the end? Is democracy dead? I don’t see how it survives when the President is saying we no longer have the right to protest and he can now force Governors, Mayors, universities, and corporations to get rid of anything the King doesn’t like. If we fight back and the military refuses orders to attack U.S. citizens does the IDF show up? Russia’s military? I guess we just wake up each morning and see what fresh hell awaits us. There’s not that much time left in his term, right? 🫣