I wish Katie Porter would run for President. She would have my vote in a heartbeat!
Katie Porter and Her Whiteboard
Queen of the whiteboard, Katie Porter, is known for putting CEOs in their place during Congressional hearings. She is always on her game and knows more than they do about their own company’s business practices and finances!
Recently, in the U.S. House of Representatives, while discussing dishwasher legislation—yes, with everything the American people need, they’re working on dishwasher legislation—Katie Porter gave another viral speech on The floor calling out the Representative advocating for the legislation.

Apparently Representative Duncan knows nothing about dishwashers! Katie Porter proposes that maybe before trying to legislate something, one should have experience with the topic of object of said legislation.
Katie, do women’s bodies next!
When I first started watching the clip, I thought for sure she was using an analogy to attack Republicans for passing abortion legislation. It was still a great Katie moment, though, and just further proof that she would be an amazing President!
She is a single mom herself, so she understands what it’s like to live as a single mom and she also cares about the average American. Katie is always fighting the “big guys” on behalf of the regular people.
She isn’t one to shy away from calling Republicans out on their “ish,” either. Anyone else agree? Let me know in the comments, maybe I can contact her to let her know how many people would be eager to support her as a candidate.
Katie Porter! ❤️