Sunday, March 2, 2025

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Sign the Populist Plank and join the revolution!

The Populist Plank was created by Cenk Uygur of TYT and endorsed by Progressive Representative in the House, Ro Khanna. It has already been signed by politicians, celebrities, and anyone else who is ready for a leader who actually puts the American people first.

It’s a promise to back any candidate who agrees to fight for at least these 6 policies (shown in the graphic above). And fight against any candidate who isn’t willing to fight for them.

These policies are polling with 70% or more of the population saying, “I want that!” With that much agreement on something, you know it’s not a partisan issue (where only voters of one party are in favor of implementing it). This is how we show the establishment that we don’t want any more corporate politician robots running for President or Congress. It’s time we get money out of politics, make sure every person in America has access to healthcare, and vote for someone we truly believe is going to fight for usnot their donors.

Elon Musk has pushed the issue with money in politics out to the forefront and more people are now able to see how much damage is done when billionaires are in power. They will throw us under the bus in a heartbeat if it means more money for them. Just look at the GOP budget! $800 billion in cuts to Medicaid, cuts to the SNAP (food assistance) program, and we still don’t have health care for every citizen in the country.

And why are they cutting programs that the most vulnerable among us rely on?

To give $4.5 TRILLION to the richest people in America. They are literally stealing from the poor to give to the rich. Federal workers are losing their jobs left and right. 30% of the federal workforce are veterans. And they aren’t just firing them, they’re intentionally doing it “for performance reasons” so that the workers can’t apply for unemployment! How cruel is that?! These people have families, children, and sick parents to care for. Do you think Elon Musk cares? Of course not!

We are about to get robbed by big banks now that he killed the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau (CFPB). The CFPB recovered $20 billion for the American people. They capped those ridiculous $37 overdraft fees at $5, which was a saving grace for me. Now that the people monitoring the behavior of financial institutions are gone, they can charge whatever they want in overdraft fees! Those junk fees added to convert ticket purchases are going to come back. Late fees that were being unfairly charged to consumers will return. Every predatory practice of financial institutions will now go unmonitored and unpunished with billionaires running the government.

The Democrats haven’t been fighting what’s happening very effectively—other than the few fighters that exist in the party like; AOC, Maxwell Frost, Bernie Sanders, and Jasmine Crockett (there are a few others). That’s why this Populist Plank petition is so important. The Democrats need to understand that we’re sick of being screwed over because they are catering to their donors. We’re ready for new leadership and a younger, stronger, and more energetic Democratic Party!

👍 PRO TIP: If you want to know who donates to a Politician and exactly how much they’ve taken from that donor, look up the politician here and you’ll get all of that information. It’s fun to compare donors to votes. For instance, If your Senator votes NO on something that you think they should’ve voted YES for, look up their donors. Chances are they’ve been given bribes—I mean donations—from lobbying groups that would’ve been hurt by the bill if it had passed.

Continue reading to learn more about this revolution, view the FAQs if you still have questions, then click the button and sign the Populist Plank petition! Let’s go!

What the heck is a “Populist Plank?”

Are you sick of endless wars that take American lives and waste money?

Are you tired of corporations buying our politicians?

Are you fed up with drug prices crushing your family?

Are you watching Wall Street turn your neighborhood into a rental trap?

Do you need time off to care for your loved ones?

Do work hard but still can’t make ends meet?

Then this revolution is yours and this revolution will be televised. 

The majority of Americans already support these changes. Only corporate money and corruption stand in our way.

Join us! We’ll back any candidate who fights for these reforms – and replace those who don’t. 

This isn’t left versus right. It’s the people versus the establishment.

Sign now! Take back our country from those who rigged it against us. 

This time, we win.


What does Populist mean?

Populist means appealing to ordinary people who feel that their concerns are disregarded by establishment elite groups. TYT’s Populist Plank includes policies that have overwhelming popularity among all Americans.

Why are we saying Populist instead of Progressive?

Words like progressive and liberal still have meaning in our country. They are used to identify ourselves, and they are also used to ostracize others. The above definition (#1) is the best fit for what we are trying to achieve which is bringing people together to fight for what we believe in and what we deserve.

Why would this appeal to the Right as well as the Left?

These are policies that would have real impact on millions of people. Right now, we are finding common ground on these issues. So why not work together to get these popular policies passed? We are driving for positive change and going to get caught trying! 

Why are there only 6 policies?

These are the policies that the vast majority of Americans agree on. Imagine that? And yet, politicians cannot seem to get stuff done to make sure we have higher wages and paid family leave. It’s time we change that.

Why these 6 policies?

Get Money Out of Politics – If we get money out of politics, the whole system changes for the better. Politicians would stop being beholden to their donors and would focus on their constituents. And, candidates and elected officials could stop wasting their time calling donors all day and night. As an added bonus, we would all stop getting those annoying emails. 
Higher Wages – well, no explanation needed. But the last time we raised the minimum wage was 2009!!!
Paid Family Leave – The United States is the only developed country without any guaranteed paid parental leave at the national level. Paid leave improves both maternal and infant health. 
No More Wars – Wars are an outdated form of conflict that causes injury to civilians and destroys the environment. The financial cost to the US to participate in wars is astronomical. 
Ban Private Equity Firms from Buying Up Our Homes – Private equity firms are buying residential properties making it impossible for Americans to own homes. Home ownership is one of the primary ways for us to build our own wealth. 
Negotiate All Drug Prices – the federal government should have the ability to negotiate down the cost of all drug prices, not just some. Americans often forgo their medications because of cost while the insurance industry and drug companies profit off of sickness.

What about climate change and other issues I care about?

There are so many issues that TYT is passionate about. Policies around climate change and gun violence are incredibly important and we have spent a great deal of time discussing these issues AND we will never stop fighting for them. When building the Populist Plank, we looked at the policies that the majority of us agree on and those that politicians would support regardless of party affiliation. Now, should climate change be a partisan issue??? Of course not!

Why should I sign this petition?

Signing this petition is your way of showing personal support for a movement that is bringing people from across the party spectrum together to get something done. 

What happens after I sign it?

After you sign the petition, we would love for you to share it on your social media, by text, or by email with your friends and family. Once we have a critical mass of signatures, we will be launching various campaigns to create partnerships and get elected officials to sign on.

What happens if one side or the other abandons these policies and the Populist Plank? How do we hold people accountable?

We are building a voting block based on these policies. It is in TYT’s core mission to hold people accountable – that means holding EVERYONE accountable. We will not sit back and speak only within our echo chamber. We will fight for things that we all deserve. 

What can I do? How can I spread the word about this?

 ✔️Sign the petition and
✔️share on your social media using the share buttons above

 Join the TYT Operation Hope Working Groups ( to learn more!

Sign NOW!

Serena Zehlius is a passionate writer and political commentator with a knack for blending humor and satire into her insights on news, politics, and social issues. Serena spent over a decade in the veterinary field as a devoted veterinary assistant and pet sitting business owner. Her love for animals is matched only by her commitment to human rights and progressive values. When she’s not writing about politics, you can find her exploring nature or advocating for a better world for both people and pets. Join Serena on her journey of witty commentary and heartfelt activism, as she tackles the quirks of life and politics with a friendly, empathetic flair.

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