I would like to begin by apologizing that you will see and hear “Nosferatu” in this video.
I would also like to direct you to more videos of Miller. Only because they’re really funny! In one, Stephen Miller is talking about the fashion sense of Trump and he says, “Donald Trump is a style icon!” I kid you not, he sounds like a leprechaun!
If you watch the leprechaun video, please leave a comment if you agree. I really want to know if its just me or if others hear it, too.
The other video is from an appearance Miller had on the Jesse Watters show. I’m still not 100% sure if Watters is serious, or if he’s trolling Miller to his face!
That’s enough Stephen Miller for one day. Here’s the video you actually came here to see. 😊
Stephen Miller was caught illegally firing military personnel live on the air. He can’t BS his way through this one! Jayar Jackson breaks it down on The Watchlist.