Donald Trump does to ramble! (I don’t know the correct way to write that out. I just said it as a kid. “Does not!” “Does to!” Whatever. Trump rambles and the rambling is worse.
I suddenly have the urge to bust out with, “?Oh, I’m a ramblin’ maaan!’?
Donald Trump rambles. He’s definitely a rambling man
Donald Trump has always been one to ramble. It’s recently gotten worse. Leave it to the psychiatrists and doctors to—oh wait, they already have diagnosed him! They diagnosed him with frontotemporal dementia and Trump exhibits many symptoms of it—one being the way a person stands. At first I thought it was caused by lifts in his shoes, but looking more closely, that wouldn’t cause this.

Here’s an illustration of the stance along with the above image from Paychology Today.
Here is a list of the symptoms of Frontotemporal Dementia from WebMD. I added “(!)“ symbols beside the symptoms I’ve noticed. Let me know what you’ve seen in the comments.
Behavior symptoms:
1. Loss of inhibition, leading to socially inappropriate behavior, such as saying rude things or getting too close to people (!)
2. Loss of empathy, meaning you don’t read the feelings of others and seem to act in cold, unfeeling way (!)
3. Apathy, meaning you don’t care about things that used to be important to you
4. Compulsive acts such as repeatedly clapping your hands or smacking your lips, repeating words or sounds, or watching the same movies over and over (!) (I guarantee he’s watching Hannibal a lot!) Don’t forget the “boing boing” sounds he makes, too. Lol
5. A decline in personal hygiene
6. Changes in eating habits, which might include overeating sweets or trying to eat nonfood objects
Speech and language symptoms:
1. Trouble using and understanding written and spoken language
2. Struggling to find the right word when speaking (!)
3. Losing the meaning of the words
4. Using simpler, shorter, sentences (!)
5. Saying things that don’t make sense (!)
We also can’t forget about the Psychiatrists who have gathered in Washington at conventions to educate people about Donald Trump’s psychiatric diagnoses: Malignant Narcissism and Sociopathy. You guys must read the signs and traits of the Malignant Narcissist. He exhibits every single trait! Narcissism is a personality disorder that we’ve all crossed paths with at some point. A Malignant Narcissist is a more severe and dangerous form of the disorder.
Search YouTube for “The Weekend Show Psychiatrist” and listen to a board-certified doctor talk about Trump and the association of Psychiatrists who can’t get media airtime to warn Americans, so they rely on conventions. Why is mainstream media blocking an entire Association of Psychiatrists from talking to the public? Never mind. I answered myself when I remembered corporate media is owned by corporations and they care about money above all else. If people learned the truth they might not be entertained by Trump anymore and that wouldn’t be good at all!
I didn’t plan on writing anything along with this video. I decided to make the song lyric comment and then I couldn’tstop! I guess you could say I….
I’m out.