Wednesday, March 12, 2025

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Linda McMahon alleged to have known 13-15-year-old boys sexually abused in WWE

Linda McMahon allegedly knew that a WWE ringside announcer was recruiting young boys to help him in order to sexually abuse them. The 13 to 15-year-old boys, named “John Does” in the lawsuit, say they suffered mental and emotional trauma from the sexual abuse they endured.

A judge put the court case “on hold” while the Maryland Supreme Court determines the constitutionality of the filing. Linda McMahon was chosen by President Trump to head the Department of Education regardless of the pending lawsuit.

Since Trump’s main reason for running for President in 2024 was to avoid going to prison, is it that far fetched to consider that maybe Linda McMahon was nominated in order to avoid this lawsuit?

This is just my personal thought about the situation and there is no evidence or reporting (that I’ve seen) suggesting that she was chosen in order to help her avoid the consequences of the lawsuit.

I’m just asking questions (Tucker Carlson impersonation).

From reporting by Mark Walsh on Education Week:

“A federal judge has put the lawsuit against Linda McMahon and others on hold while Maryland’s supreme court considers whether the state law that allowed the claim to be filed is constitutional, the New York Times reports.”

Concerns have been raised about someone who ignored the sexual abuse of minors overseeing a department that protects the civil rights of students.

Linda McMahon Lawsuit

Details of the allegations and lawsuit from CNN Business:

“The suit alleges McMahon, her husband, the WWE and TKO Group Holdings, the league’s parent company, knowingly allowed employee Melvin Phillips Jr. to use his position as ringside announcer to sexually exploit children.

linda mcmahon accused of ignoring melvin phillips, jr. sexually abusing young boysPin
Melvin Phillips, Jr., a ringside announcer for WWE, lured young boys into helping him in order to sexually abuse them. Credit: WWE

The filing alleges Phillips would recruit children to work as “Ring Boys,” helping him set up and take down wrestling rings at WWE events. It became known as the “Ring Boy Scandal.”

However, the job was a guise for sexually exploiting the children, which Phillips would do even in front of wrestlers and executives in the locker area, the lawsuit alleges. He also would often film his sexual abuse, according to the filing.

The suit was filed in October in Baltimore County, Maryland, on behalf of five John Does, who say they were ages 13 to 15 when Phillips met and recruited them to work as “Ring Boys.” Each of them say they suffered mental and emotional abuse as a result of the alleged abuse.

“Phillips lured and manipulated the young boys with promises of meeting famous wrestlers and attending the highly popular wrestling shows, experiences that were otherwise unattainable for these kids,” the lawsuit alleges. “(The McMahons, WWE and TKO Holdings) allowed Phillips and others to engage in, and foster, the WWE’s rampant culture of sexual abuse.”

The lawsuit claims that the McMahons were negligent as employers and failed to protect the plaintiffs, who are demanding more than $30,000 in damages.”

Violence and Sexual Abuse in Trump World

It’s alarming to see how many people in Donald Trump’s inner circle have been accused of or charged with domestic violence or sexual abuse.

linda mcmahon isn't the only trump buddy involved in sexual abuse allegations. caricature of supreme court justice brett kavanaughPin
Justice Brett Kavanaugh by DonkeyHotey CC 2.0

Pete Hegseth was accused of rape and he paid his accuser. Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh was accused of rape and sexual assault by multiple women, but the FBI under Trump’s first Administration never investigated the calls received on a tip line.

Rudy Giuliani has a lawsuit against him from his assistant alleging sexual, physical, and mental abuse. Donald Trump himself was found liable for sexual abuse (what the judge called rape) and has been accused of sexually assaulting over 20 women.

Matt Gaetz was being investigated and the House Ethics Committee accused him of paying for sex with a then 17-year-old.

I can’t go through and list every person in his inner circle accused of sexual assault or domestic violence. However, no list would be complete without mentioning Jim (Gym) Jordan, a Republican who was accused of ignoring the sexual abuse of teen boys he was coaching.

linda mcmahon joins matt gaetz in the sexual abuse charge world. matt gaetz caricaturePin
“Matt Gaetz – Caricature” by DonkeyHotey is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

Finally, because it’s currently in the news; Actor Mel Gibson was charged with domestic violence and lost his right to own a gun as a result. A woman at the Department of Justice was recently fired for refusing to sign off on Gibson having his gun rights restored.

The Supreme Court decided, in a majority ruling, that anyone with a domestic violence restraining order should not be able to own a gun. Clarence Thomas was the sole dissenter in that case.

The lawsuit against Linda McMahon for ignoring the sexual abuse of young boys should have disqualified her from being confirmed as Secretary of Education.

If she had been nominated by a Democratic President, the lawsuit would have been cited as the reason she wasn’t confirmed. There’s a pattern of sexual abuse, domestic violence, and criminality when it comes to the people surrouning President Trump. I guess I’ll say it…

Birds of a feather flock together.
Welcome to the flock, Linda McMahon.

linda mcmahon detailed close-up of an ostrich's face capturing vivid expressions and textures.Pin
Serena Zehlius is a passionate writer and political commentator with a knack for blending humor and satire into her insights on news, politics, and social issues. Serena spent over a decade in the veterinary field as a devoted veterinary assistant and pet sitting business owner. Her love for animals is matched only by her commitment to human rights and progressive values. When she’s not writing about politics, you can find her exploring nature or advocating for a better world for both people and pets. Join Serena on her journey of witty commentary and heartfelt activism, as she tackles the quirks of life and politics with a friendly, empathetic flair.

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