Sunday, March 2, 2025

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Mass Incarceration In America: prison Statistics and More

Coming soon

This table will include every state so users can quickly jump to the data for a particular state. Currently, if a state is listed, someone is working on the content for that state. Bookmark this page and check back often!

Table of Contents

A series focusing on mass incarceration and the harrowing prison statistics for the United States of America. To bring to light how we over-incarcerate in this country, we’ll compare rates between the U.S. and ally countries.

Arkansas by itself beats the entire U.S. and every NATO country.

graph showing incarceration rates in arkansas compared to other countriesPin
In the U.S., incarceration extends beyond prisons and local jails to include other systems of confinement. The U.S. and state incarceration rates in this graph include people held by these other parts of the justice system, so they may be slightly higher than the commonly reported incarceration rates that only include prisons and jails.

Prison Statistics

We will begin by looking at prison statistics for the United States as a whole featuring amazing work and graphics by the Prison Policy Initiative. From there, we will break down statistics by state.

This series will not appear overnight. The first installment on the U.S. as a country is coming in the next few days. After that, states will be added over time, complete with a table of contents that will allow you to immediately jump to the state you’re interested in learning about. Please be patient as we work on the project. Zany Progressive is about authenticity and transparency. Rather than complete the project and release it 2 years later, users can watch the process and contribute by researching the data and statistics for their own state.

The table above will be filled in with states as writers begin work on them. If your state is missing, feel free to contribute!

Interested in this topic? Want to help with one of the states? Let us know! We would welcome the assistance.


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