
Video: Pete Buttigieg Spits Facts In 8 Languages?!?

Pete Buttigieg speaks 8 languages and before I saw him in action in this video, Im ashamed to admit that I had no idea! Petie is an intelligent “sputter of facts,” and I'm here for it.

I knew Pete was intelligent, but I didn’t know how intelligent. Speaking 8 different languages is not easy. I studied Spanish for years and I’m no where near a fluent speaker.

Arabic was the only one I wasn’t surprised to hear him speak, being that he was in Afghanistan as a marine.

Guess I’ll be doing a little “Pete Googlin’” tonight.

My Crush 😍

I am not the slightest bit ashamed to admit that I’ve had a little crush on Pete Buttigieg ever since I witnessed him call out members of Congress and confront hosts on Fox News.

Do Tucker next, Pete!

There’s just something about a man who is intelligent and unafraid of calling out and correcting hosts on a propaganda network like Fox News.

(He does it in a way that isn’t rude or mean just for the sake of being a d!ck. Hopefully he was able to make a few viewers think.)

Granted, a lot of the “awe-struck” feeling I get is because I grew up painfully shy and “too tall for a girl” so I was bullied up until I graduated from high school. I used to fantasize about standing up for myself.

I’m much better as an adult, but not so much that I could stand up to a host on a live news show.

8 Languages, though? Damn, Pete!

Even though I’ve had this little crush on Pete, I had no idea that he spoke 8 different languages until I watched him do it in this video. Seeing it has only made my heart beat a little bit faster for “Petie” Pete Buttigieg! 😂 —Zany


Pete Buttigieg impresses in recent interviews, skillfully defending Democratic policy and dismantling opposition arguments with clarity and poise as the presidential race heats up.
