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Julie Appleby, senior correspondent, has reported on the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, health care treatments and costs, trends in health insurance, and policies affecting hospitals and other medical providers. Before joining KFF Health News, Julie spent 10 years covering the health industry and health care policy at USA...
Author Bio :
Ayurella Horn-Muller is an award-winning journalist who has covered climate justice for Axios and Climate Central. Her work has been published in the Guardian, USA TODAY, and Forbes, and by NPR and PBS NewsHour. Based in Florida, she has received media fellowships from the Society of Environmental Journalists, Metcalf Institute,...
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Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter at ProPublica. My reporting has resulted in widespread reforms, criminal convictions, congressional hearings and new legislation. In the past, I have written about how the rich avoid taxes, questionable stock trades by top executives, lobbying campaigns to block safety standards, conflicts of interest within government and self-dealing...
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Hayley Harding is a Detroit-based reporter who has covered government and the people who run it at all levels. She covers voting and election administration in Michigan. Before that, she was a data journalist on The Detroit News’ investigations team, where she covered population trends, social problems, and more. She...
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I teach at a small university in the Midwest. My focus is how people manage our natural environments and make decisions about what to do with spaces. I teach a wide variety of classes including environmental management, food and agriculture, and mapping and cartography. What I love about geography is...
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Originally from Germany, I am a historian (PhD, Technical University Berlin) and a specialist for Holocaust and German-Jewish history, as well as the comparative history of genocides/mass violence and racial discrimination against indigenous populations in Latin America. I am the Shapell-Guerin Chair in Jewish Studies and founding director of the...
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Anna North covers American family life and changing ideas about how we live in our homes, bodies, and workplaces in a time of economic fear, flux, and reinvention. She came to Vox from the New York Times, where she held several positions, including member of the editorial board. She is...