About Us

Our Content

The news and content you see on our website comes from several places.

1. Zany Progressive, the owner/editor writes articles and political commentary.

2. Our Members: Members can create viral content, like polls and quizzes, that may appear on the front page.

3. Guest Authors: We allow guest contributors to submit content that follows strict submission guidelines. All submissions are fact-checked and edited prior to publication.

4. Trusted Progressive Sources: We have arrangements with news outlets like Mother Jones, The Intercept, and The Daily Beast that allows us to republish the first few paragraphs of an article with a link to continue reading on their website. We also republish content from non-profit news organizations that allow republication under a Creative Commons License such as Propublica, Positive.News, The Conversation, and local news outlets such as Texas Tribune, and others. We follow their rules and guidelines and always include a link back to the original article.

Some of the content from other sources is republished in full or in part along with commentary by Zany. 

Our Story

Serena Zehlius

The Zany Progressive

AKA Serena

I hope you enjoy the site and become a member for free today. Be sure to add me as a friend when you do! @owner-editor

After seeing Trump on television, speaking at a rally in 2019, Serena became obsessed with politics, government, and getting Donald Trump out of office.

After the election and what occurred at the Capitol in 2021, Serena began posting fact-checks about fraud in the election. Friends that she went to high school with were caught up in the lies and the “Stop the Steal” movement.

freelance concept,female using computers to design work as ordered by customers

A website, she thought, was the best way to comment on the news and share factual information about what was going on in Washington, D.C.

The result: A Progressive news website with a social media network (community) built-in that offers free memberships. She hopes to grow the site to become a place where progressives go to get the latest news, videos, podcasts, commentary—network and interact with other progressives. Members can utilize chat rooms or private messaging to plan local events or protests. “If we all come together and stand united against the corruption of the establishment in D.C., we might finally see some positive change in this country.”

Progressives: Three female friends walking and laughing with their arms around each other.

Your Home

Progressives now have a home where we can all come together to push for positive change.

Social Media Network

Membership is 100% free! The social media network will always be free to all users..

Optional Upgrade

Free members can upgrade to activists to create viral content and access exclusive posts and chat rooms.

Who we are

Our main goal is to build a community of like-minded people who are aware of the importance of integrity, honesty, respect, compassion, empathy, and activism. (see our mission statement). Our community will fight for equality, racial justice, abortion rights, women’s rights, raising the minimum wage, universal healthcare, assisting the homeless population, and criminal justice reform. This is not an all-inclusive list by any means, but it should give you an idea of what we stand for.