I heard the news about the results of an investigation into which nefarious entity is funding the Pro-Palestinian protests on college campuses and it made my day.
We’ve heard Nancy Pelosi claim that Russia must be behind them. Joe Scarborough and other media pundits claimed it must be Qatar who’s behind it. Everyone against the protests has voiced their own claim as to the which nefarious source is funneling dark money into these “Anti-Israel” protests.
Are you ready for this?
It was actually an Israeli-backed think tank that was behind the investigation, Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy which makes the findings that much sweeter. The report found that the funding is coming from…

a Jewish family!
From The Daily Beast:
Tens of thousands of dollars pumped into organizations involved in recent anti-Israel demonstrations on college campuses originated in the fortune of one of America’s most venerable and politically active Jewish families—one that includes a sitting U.S. congressman and a former contender for ambassador to Jerusalem, and which owes its wealth to the Levi Strauss denim dynasty.
A much-publicized recent report by the Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy, an Israeli-backed think tank, ranked the Bafrayung Fund as the single largest sponsor of pro-Palestinian activist groups involved in campus demonstrations and adjacent actions.
As I was doing research for the facts and sources for this piece, a Google search for “who’s behind the campus protests” produces a long, long list of articles published by New York Post, Fox News, Daily Mail, and several Jewish and Conservative outlets all saying the same thing: George Soros is behind all of it. It was so disheartening to see all of these results on page one when not one of them are factual. No wonder people in this country believe nonsense!
I’m curious to see if any of the reputable news media pundits, including Nancy Pelosi, have anything to say. A statement retracting the false claims made on air, perhaps?
It’s definitely worthwhile to read the entire article by The Daily Beast. The details about the family and the daughter behind all of the funding are just priceless. She actually does a lot for Israel. She’s just a human being with a heart—like the kids protesting on college campuses—who can’t bear to see one more child burned alive.