Sunday, March 2, 2025

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Corrections and Updates Policy | Zany Progressive

Because we hold ourselves to a high standard when it comes to publishing fact-based content, we also strive to amend content with corrections and updates as soon as they are brought to our attention.

While some news organizations will edit their work to include corrections and updates at the end of the content, we include them at the top of the post. If we made a mistake and left out key details or reported something incorrectly, we want our readers to be aware of the errors without having to read the entire post, especially if they have already read the original article with the incorrect details.

Why would they read the same article again? Our corrections aren’t just for readers seeing the article for the first time. More importantly, they are for readers who have already been exposed to the error so they are aware of our mistake.

How to tell if an article has been updated

Zany Progressive, LLC has chosen to use an automated system to add a modified date to any article that has been edited in any way 24+ hours after it was published. This holds writers accountable by preventing any updates or changes from going unnoticed.

Articles that have been updated or changed will include the notation: “Last updated on <date>, <time> by <author>” at the very beginning of the content. In some instances, a writer may include their own notation in addition to the updated date to bring more attention to information that has been changed if it has been edited vs. adding additional information.

For example, if an article mentions the subject is 25-years-old, but the author has learned that the subject’s age is incorrect, they can add the corrected information to the post: “UPDATE: John Smith is 27-years-old,” or they might edit the original number in the article and change it from 25 to 27. If direct edits are made, it must be brought to the reader’s attention.

Example: “Changes to this article are highlighted in “color”. The note will appear at the beginning of the content after the automated modified date.

If we receive a report regarding content created by a member or guest contributor, it will be corrected immediately by our editor and the author will be alerted to the changes or updates so they are aware.

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