Monday, March 3, 2025

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The “Keep Them Stupid” Agenda of Republicans and Billionaires Exposed

The education system in the United States isn’t broken. It’s working exactly the way billionaires want. “Keep them stupid and poor” is their goal. Uneducated people are easier to control and manipulate because they lack the critical thinking skills to question what they’re told.

Being poor makes them less likely to demand a raise or go on strike because they need their job to survive. The fact that Trump’s base consists of the population “bucket” they call “uneducated” or “non-college educated” is one of the reasons Republicans celebrate Donald Trump being leader of the GOP.

He brings with him voters that are easy to manipulate and are more likely to respond to culture war topics meant to distract them from how the politicians are doing nothing to improve their lives—just tax cuts for the rich.

The party has a lot of slogans and buzz words (DEI, CRT, trans, fake news) they feed voters, counting on them to be unable to recognize them as lies. The concept of “energy independence” was talked about frequently during the 2024 Presidential campaign.

The concept itself isn’t based in reality and tying it to extracting more fossil fuels makes it blatantly untrue. The fossil fuel companies and big oil executives count on people not making that connection.

Republican politicians have politicized everything they can, from school shootings, to climate change, and what I consider to be the worst out of all of those—public health. The worldwide COVID pandemic should have been a time where the country came together to fight a common enemy. Instead, Republicans blamed it on Democrats and anything coming from experts at the CDC, infectious disease specialists, and scientists all over the world was mocked and fought against.

I still have a hard time explaining why the right-wing politicians and media ecosystem fought so hard against everything when it was their President in the White House. Someday the COVID pandemic will be studied and perhaps the historians can explain the Republican’s game plan of being on the side of something that killed over 7 million people worldwide—over 1.2 million deaths in the U.S. alone.

Education is another area where Republicans have successfully spread propaganda, lies, and their plan to “keep them stupid.” It’s my hope that people will read this or become inspired by the introduction enough to search for more information and learn the truth about what the billionaires are doing.

It’s important now more than ever before when we have billionaires running the United States government.

Keep Them Stupid On Energy Independence

Big oil executives love that people believe the lie that energy independence is achieved by more drilling, and more fossil fuels. Energy independence through fossil fuels isn’t even possible to achieve. The only path to true energy independence is through clean energy. That’s why they mount such a strong opposition to climate change legislation and the horror movie bogeyman, “The Green New Deal.” 😱

Trump’s recurring response to economic concerns on the campaign trail was “Drill, baby drill!” He insinuated that by drilling for more oil the United States would become rich and gas prices would go down. The Republican Party in general referenced “energy independence” constantly during the 2024 Presidential election.

MAGA has been conditioned to believe that the country and its citizens are the ones who benefit from oil and natural gas extraction. Their lack of understanding when it comes to how it all works was exploited with Trump’s “Drill, baby drill” slogan.

What Actually Happens When the United States Allows More Fossil Fuel Extraction?

It’s important to note that the Biden administration was drilling and producing more oil over the 4-years President Biden was in office than ever before. The constant complaints from Republicans that we just need to drill more in order to become energy independent are based on a myth.

From reporting by Politico during the Biden Administration in 2023:

“Energy experts caution that while the political slogan [energy independence] may be simple, becoming a truly energy independent country is not, writes Scott Waldman. And, perhaps unsurprisingly, it depends on how you define the term.

If energy independence means the country is producing more energy than it consumes, then both leaders have achieved it. While Biden rarely talks up his efforts to produce oil and natural gas, the nation’s output under his leadership continues to smash records. And starting under Trump’s tenure, the U.S. began annually producing “more crude oil than any country, ever,” according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration — though even that achievement stemmed from the fracking boom that began during the George W. Bush administration and roared to life under President Barack Obama.

Still, the nation has continued to import foreign fuels as well. So if energy independence means no imports, then neither president has done it. According to that definition, the country hasn’t been energy independent for more than 75 years.

That’s in part because the oil the U.S. produces isn’t the oil the country’s infrastructure prefers. The nation’s refineries were largely built before the U.S. fracking boom and are designed to process heavier crude oil typically found in Russia and the Middle East. The lighter stuff found in the U.S. is often cheaper to export.

And even if a country produces more than it consumes, oil is part of a global market. That means the fuel will still be exposed to international supply and demand disruptions that affect global prices, said Harrison Fell at North Carolina State University.

Energy produced from solar rays and wind, however, is not vulnerable to global price shocks. So reducing the nation’s reliance on fossil fuels is a key, and often overlooked, step toward self-sufficiency, Fell said.

In that regard, the Biden administration has what to brag about. Biden’s $369 billion climate law has allocated a record amount of funding for expanding the nation’s clean energy infrastructure.”

The thought that we could get MAGA to a point where they would agree that clean energy = energy independence is just exhausting to think about and honestly, it seems hopeless. They have been fed a steady diet of climate denialism, lies that the “Green New Deal” is the worst thing that could happen in America, and windmills are really bad (they also cause cancer and kill whales, according to Donald Trump).

On Communist, Marxist, Socialist Democrats: Keep Them Stupid

Billionaire donors use right-wing politicians, podcasters, and their media to get Republican voters to hate Democratic politicians and even their voters. You can’t “keep them stupid” if there’s a chance that they’ll hear the truth from the other party or the “fake news” media.

The way to eliminate the chance of that happening is simple: Make them distrust the media and not just distrust, but hate the politicians who are trying to make their lives better and the voters who are trying to help Republican voters to see the truth.

I believe the reason Trump supporters are so combative when it comes to conversation with anyone on the left comes from the constant refrain, “Democrats hate you and want to take all of your guns.” You’d think that after hearing that every election cycle for years and then it doesn’t happen when Democrats are in charge, that people would catch on that it’s simply not true.

Yet, it’s something I still hear GOP voters say to this day. “Liberals hate you and want to ruin your life and force you to drink Starbucks coffee every day” is another common theme. First of all, why do they assume there are no Conservatives who drink Starbucks? I know a few. Second, why is drinking Starbucks coffee a bad thing?

keep them stupid tucker carlson threatens starbucks if dems winPin
Tucker carlson, then a fox news host, was threatening forced starbucks consumption if biden won. Did that happen? Credit: tyt youtube video

Energy independence isn’t the only myth they’ve been taught to believe. “Democrats are Communists” is another. If someone tallied up the number of times a conservative news anchor used the terms Marxist and Communist to describe Democratic politicians in one week, the number would be ridiculously high.

MAGA doesn’t know what they don’t know, and Republican politicians and right-wing media use it to their advantage. They rely on, and exploit the uneducated viewer. This is why you’ll often hear the criticism that Fox News and other right-wing shows don’t respect their viewers. GOP politicians constantly disrespect their constituents by lying to them. They throw around the terms Communist and Marxist as buzz words intended to scare people when in reality, a lot of people don’t know the true meaning.

Let’s kick that misinformation trend in the butt right now by defining them:

Communism:: A political and economic doctrine that aims to replace private property and a profit-based economy with public ownership and communal control of at least the major means of production (e.g., mines, mills, and factories) and the natural resources of a society.

Marxism: A 19th century social, economic, and political philosophy developed by Karl Marx. It analyzes the impact of the ruling class on workers, and the resulting unequal distribution of wealth and privilege. It also examines the struggle between the capitalist and working classes. Marxism’s basic principles include the idea that history is a record of class struggle, and that society is increasingly defined by the struggle between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat.

I don’t see how the idea of someone having either one of those ideological beliefs is scary and dangerous. The Right has attached a dangerous, evil connotation onto both of those concepts. Communism was attributed to the Soviet Union for so long and they are an adversaryvof the United States, so I understand why that might worry someone, but the modern Republican party is pro-Putin and pro-China, so calling someone a Communist should no longer strike fear into people’s hearts.

Regardless, I encourage everyone to read more about both ideologies and then generate your opinion of someone who ascribes to either belief system by yourself, without outside influence or opinion. I promise it will be very liberating to make your own choice about how you feel.

In the future, look up anything Republican politicians or media start to fearmonger about, rather than accepting what they tell you as fact.

A lot of anxiety, worry, and time wasted protesting school board meetings could have been avoided taking 5 minutes to look into Critical Race Theory (CRT). You would’ve learned that it’s a course taught at the college level in law schools. It’s a legal theory.

It’s certainly not taught in elementary, middle, or high schools. It was often maliciously and deceptively defined as “elementary school teachers talking about race and slavery.” The elites fooled so many people with that one.

Keep Them Stupid About Public Health

The lies about COVID being a “Democratic hoax,” Ted Cruz on Fox News telling viewers, “COVID is meant to hurt President Trump’s re-election and “After the election, I guarantee COVID will disappear” were two of the lies that stood out to me the most at the time.

Fox News has been sued over their coverage of the pandemic, including a suit filed by the daughter of a man who died after watching the channel, trusting them to provide accurate information to keep him safe. They intentionally spread misinformation that resulted in deaths. If we had the means of collecting the data, the exact number of deaths they caused would be high.

Imagine the amount of evil that has to exist for someone who knows the truth, the facts, and who is vaccinated to protect themselves, to provide false information and advocate for people to distrust the experts, scientists, and the doctors, knowing people would die as a result.

No amount of money could convince me to lie and cause the deaths of Americans during a public health emergency. These people are sick and psychotic. Public health was the one part of the Keep Them Stupid agenda that made people extremely angry, but also sad. The majority of the country was getting information from trusted, authoritative sources like the CDC and their own doctor.

They were receiving daily updates from trusted news organizations (mainstream media might be biased, but they would never spread knowingly false information to the public in the middle of a deadly pandemic).

The majority of people were watching interviews with doctors who specialized in infectious diseases and pandemics. Fox News found doctors willing to lie for money or they dug up the very few doctors who believed COVID conspiracy theories.

Another trick used by politicians and the media was to equate the removal of a tweet spreading false information during a public health emergency (something that violates the rules on most private social media platforms) with “conservatives are being censored.”

Right-wing influencers and voters posted the majority of inaccurate information and conspiracy theories, so it was easy for them to say, “Look! They are censoring conservatives!” “Why aren’t they censoring people on the left?”

Because people on the left weren’t spreading misinformation. If they were, their posts were also removed. This is one of those times where critical thinking would have destroyed the GOP’s false censorship claims.

Quick Fact: Social media platforms are private companies. Private companies make their own decisions and their own rules for what is allowed. Remember the bakery that didn’t want to make a wedding cake for a gay wedding? Even though the bakery was found to be breaking anti-discrimination laws, Conservatives were on the side of the bakery. Critical thinking would tell you that your belief that business owners get to make the rules for their business applies to social media platforms, too. The First Amendment provides protection from the government punishing or censoring you for speech. Private companies aren’t included in that First Amendment protection, so no private business, including social media platforms can violate your “right to free speech.”

Republicans in Congress received daily briefings on the deadly COVID pandemic. They knew how dangerous it was, they knew how many people were dying (so many in New York they had to bring in refrigerated trucks to use as morgues), they knew that hundreds of thousands—potentially millions—of Americans were going to die.

At that point it becomes even more inexcusable for them to come out and lie about a deadly virus while downplaying it as being some sort of made-up conspiracy created by Democratic politicians to stop Trump from winning in the 2020 election.

I hope that after Donald Trump’s loss, when we learned that the reason people voted against him was because of how poorly he handled COVID, that Republicans had at least a flash of regret and the realization that if they, the media ecosystem, and the President had simply been serious and rallied the country to come together in the fight against a common “enemy,” he might have won a second term.

By intentionally spreading lies, misinformation, and politicizing a public health emergency—a global pandemic—they ruined his chances of winning the election, and caused a lot of needless deaths in the process.

Keep Them Stupid About Education

Why do you think Republicans attack higher education, teachers and recently, the entire Department of Education? It has nothing to do with the fearmongering excuses they provide. Instead, their attack on education comes from a long-standing agenda called Keep Them Stupid and Poor, referring to the working-class. “The population is much easier to control and manipulate if they are poor and uneducated.”

Another tactic used by Republicans is the idea of “school choice” and the “voucher system.” They tell people that it’s about parents having a right to choose where their kids go to school. What they don’t tell you is that the money the voucher pays private schools is taking money away from the local public school district.

Private schools also have eligibility requirements and restrictions. These requirements could include restrictions that limit vouchers to students who meet certain income thresholds or to special populations of students, such as military families, foster care students, students with disabilities, or students from chronically low-performing schools. In one state, no disabled students were eligible due to a lack of “resources to accommodate their needs.”

That means disabled students will be attending public schools that just lost all of the funding to billionaires who own these private schools and the Republican politicians assisting them in the robbery. Studies also found that low-income students were found ineligible for admission.

While the intention of school vouchers is often said to be to provide educational opportunities for low-income students, in reality, many of these programs can exclude them due to things like limited funding, high private school tuition costs, and potential discriminatory admission practices at participating private schools, meaning many low-income students may “not be eligible” to use them.

Voucher programs funnel more money to private schools, causing the public school system to suffer from underfunding and eventually a total collapse. Once that happens, they’ll terminate the voucher programs so only the families with money can afford to continue their children’s education at private schools, while the average American family loses access to education for their children.

That’s what will eventually happen—whether they intentionally stop the program or it ends after funding runs out is unclear. Keep in mind that our public school systems are “failing and broken” in the richest country in the world.

If our politicians wanted to, and their donors allowed it, they could easily give us free Community College, universal healthcare and a well-funded, thriving public education system rivaling what China has. That fact alone is proof that they don’t want us to be educated. Republican politicians hate China! Hello, TikTok ban! They would love nothing more than to kick China’s ass with an amazing education system.

But they can’t. The billionaires, the corporations in need of workers, and politicians obsessed with remaining in power aren’t going to do something that jeopardizes their Keep Them Stupid agenda.

Ever wondered why education seems broken? It’s not a flaw—it’s the plan. From underfunded schools to financial illiteracy, the system is designed to keep people obedient, misinformed, and struggling. Who benefits from this? The wealthy elite and those in power.

This video uncovers how education, finance, and even healthcare are manipulated to maintain control—keeping you in line while they profit. Watch till the end to see how deep this goes.

Our government is run by billionaires right now as we speak. A lot of America is fighting against it because their eyes are open, meaning they’re aware of the agenda. Elon Musk can’t trick them into ignoring the robbery of the American people. He’s doing a million different things at once in order to generate news and media attention to distract.

Those in power fear educated Americans who are able to think critically and question the actions of people in charge. Americans who are wide awake aren’t gorging themselves on the Fox News diet of propaganda, lies, and misinformation about what’s happening.

In the end, our only hope is that more citizens are going to wake up to what is happening in Washington D.C. and inside a White House filled with billionaires and oligarchs. Donald Trump isn’t there to drain the swamp. He moved the swamp in with him.

They are currently doing everything they can to keep people distracted as they are about to commit the largest robbery in history—taking from the working-class and most vulnerable among us and giving it to the richest among us. Corporations have bribed our politicians to the point that we are now a government/country under corporate rule.

Final thought: If DOGE was serious about cutting waste, fraud, and abuse, they would cut off the trillions of dollars in subsidies we give to the oil and gas companies that generate billions in revenue each year. He would also cut off the pharmaceutical companies that receive taxpayer dollars to fund research and development of drugs. They then turn around and charge Americans the highest prices in the world, even after the same Americans funded the creation of the drugs. What DOGE is doing has nothing to do with finding wasteful spending, and everything to do with protecting companies Musk owns and the contracts he has been given by the same government he now controls.

The oligarchy is here.

Serena Zehlius is a passionate writer and political commentator with a knack for blending humor and satire into her insights on news, politics, and social issues. Serena spent over a decade in the veterinary field as a devoted veterinary assistant and pet sitting business owner. Her love for animals is matched only by her commitment to human rights and progressive values. When she’s not writing about politics, you can find her exploring nature or advocating for a better world for both people and pets. Join Serena on her journey of witty commentary and heartfelt activism, as she tackles the quirks of life and politics with a friendly, empathetic flair.

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