
Let’s discuss Trump Supporters: They come in all shapes and…stuff

Political cartoons have been a staple in American satire for centuries! Our latest cartoon takes a humorous look at the wide array of Trump supporters, each with their own unique…quirks.

Trump supporter discussion in our new post type! Every Wednesday there will be 2 new political cartoons up for discussion. Don’t take them too seriously. With the weight of the news lately, we all deserve a laugh!

🎨✏️ Political cartoons have been a staple in American satire for centuries! Our latest cartoon takes a humorous look at the wide array of Trump supporters, each with their own unique…quirks. From Flat Earthers to Gravy Seals, it seems there’s a niche for every belief in the political spectrum. 🌐🛸

We invite you to dive into the satire, have a laugh, and maybe even see a bit of the world from a different angle. What do you think about the power of political cartoons in shaping public opinion? Do they reflect the times, or do they shape them? 🤔💭

Drop your thoughts in the comments below and let’s get the conversation started! And hey, if you recognize any of these archetypes in your social circle, tag a friend – but play nice, we’re all about the friendly banter here. 😄👇 #PoliticalCartoons #Satire #EngageZanyProgressive

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