
Listen: Biden’s Indifference to Palestinian Lives Is Sending the Middle East Into the Abyss

Cambanis explains how Biden’s policy toward Israel is pushing the entire Middle East to the brink of a regional war that could inflict far greater suffering than we have seen to date.

In the face of growing international pressure, the Biden administration has continued to double down on a policy of blanket support for Israel, even as it presses ahead with a possible military offensive against the town of Rafah that many observers have warned could trigger the largest humanitarian crisis of the war so far. This week on Intercepted, co-hosts Jeremy Scahill and Murtaza Hussain discuss the Biden administration’s approach to the conflict with Thanassis Cambanis, director of the foreign policy think tank Century International. Cambanis explains how Biden’s policy toward Israel is pushing the entire Middle East to the brink of a regional war that could inflict far greater suffering than we have seen to date, in an area which U.S. policymakers claim to be trying to exit.

Transcript coming soon.

Check it out. I’m adding my commentary at the end this time! Do you know what that means?

No one will see this. 😁 It’s ok, it’s not like you haven’t read any of my rants on Gaza. You know how I feel. However, in terms of Biden’s campaign, AIPAC is causing him to destroy his chances of beating Trump. Biden has taken over $11 million from AIPAC over his entire career in government. They’re not only influencing our Senators in Congress by bribing them, they’re also threatening to spend millions to oust anyone that goes against them/Israel.

Need proof? Look at John Fetterman. I’m in Pennsylvania and he ran against Dr. Oz as a Progressive. As Lieutenant Governor he was on the news several times talking about Trump and the GOP. When he was running for Senate, I sent him emails and donated to his campaign. I even bought a pink Fetterman T-shirt! (It’s in the trash now) Im just so angry at the way AIPAC money and threads have completely changed the man! Just one more reason we need to get money out of politics!

Back to the topic of this podcast—I am also angry with Biden for continuing to support Netanyahu when the entire world sees what he’s doing in Gaza and is against it. Biden needs Michigan to beat Trump! The huge Arab community there is probably going to sit out the 2024 election. If Biden loses Michigan, it’s highly likely that the election will end up 269-269 in the electoral college. When that happens, the decision goes to the House of Representatives. They don’t vote per Representative, but per state. Republicans have more states. That means Trump wins. From the website 270towin:

If no candidate has reached 270 Electoral Votes, then the House and Senate take over and elect the President and Vice-President, respectively.

Who would win the presidency in a tie?

In this partisan era, it is a reasonable assumption – at least to start – that the vast majority of members would vote along party lines.

As of late September, 2023, Republicans hold a 26-22 edge in House delegations. Two states, Minnesota and North Carolina, are evenly split.

A graphic of the United States showing states represented in Congress
From A graphic of the country showing the states represented in the House

Needless to say, this can’t happen. But how can Biden increase his popularity with Arab and young voters when he’s helping Netanyahu to kill so many Palestinians when the rest of the world is condemning him for it?

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