
We’re concerned about Trump winning in 2024, but what if he LOSES?

Think about the scary chaos after the 2020 election. Now multiply it 4 and that’s what happens when he loses in 2024.

I don’t know why no one is talking about this, but once you realize this, it doesn’t leave you and I really need to talk to someone about it, so I’m starting this discussion.

I feel horrible for sparking this realization, but I don’t want to be alone in the stress and worry anymore. If your mental health isn’t great, or you already experience panic attacks and anxiety, LEAVE NOW AND DON’T OPEN THE TAB BELOW.

Here it is. Don’t look if you can’t handle stress

We’re all worried about what will happen if Trump becomes President again, but just as frightening:

What if he loses?

Think about the chaos after the 2020 election and add in Militias and Trump supporters starting the civil war. (I studied Facebook posts from Supporters in 2020, and they were all waiting for the Emergency alert signal to go off, which is their signal to prepare for war.)

They say the military will be behind Trump and his “army” of supporters as they overthrow our government by violent force. Scary thought, isn’t it? So why is no one talking about this!

Think about the nuclear secrets he has in his head and the classified documents he kept and hid (coffin). He will be so angry at the country that he will burn it to the ground. He’ll share top secret information with our adversaries. He’ll even help them to plan the attack. Trump is 100% the “If I can’t have you, no one can.” type of guy.

Vengeance is a big deal to him as well!

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I just realized we had that emergency alert system test the other day!

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