
Mass civil disobedience planned at U.S. Capitol today

WASHINGTON – Thousands of American Jews will hold a massive rally at the Capitol on Wednesday, calling on members of Congress to demand an immediate ceasefire, including supporting the “Ceasefire Now” resolution introduced on Monday, and for humanitarian assistance to be allowed to enter Gaza. On Wednesday, mass civil disobedience is also planned.

The protest comes on the heels of thousands of American Jews shutting down all eleven entrances to the White House on Monday to pressure Presiden Biden to support the measure, which led to over thirty arrests, including of descendants of Holocaust survivors. 

“Since we were children, so many of us have told ourselves that we would not stand by if we were ever witnesses to genocidal violence. We told ourselves that we would raise our voices. We told ourselves we would put our bodies on the line. We pledged that such horrors would never again happen on our watch,” said author and activist Naomi Klein. “The ‘never again’ of our lifetimes is underway in Gaza right now. And we refuse to stand by and watch.”

“It has never been more important for Jews and all people in the U.S. to rise up with literally everything we have,” said Jay Saper of Jewish Voice for Peace, “the way that we would have wanted others to rise up for our ancestors.”
In the past week, Israel ordered 1.1 million Palestinians to flee their homes and dropped more bombs on Gaza than the US did in a year of war on Afghanistan. 

“What we know from past Israeli state atrocities against Palestinians is that the bombs only stop once there is a sufficient mass outcry from the international community,” said Eliza Klein of Jewish Voice for Peace. “It’s on us to build that outcry — as fast as we possibly can.”

Speakers will include Naomi Klein and prominent voices in the Jewish and Palestinians communities.

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