
Sean Hannity’s Entire Trump Defense falls apart In Real Time

Fox News host Sean Hannity’s attempt to defend Donald Trump and calm viewers over Arizona’s Republican-led highly restrictive abortion ban falls apart as his attack against Democrats immediately blows up in his face.

Read more here: Hannity Backs Trump’s Call to Reverse Arizona Abortion Ban

“Hours after Republicans in the Arizona legislature declined to repeal the state’s extremely restrictive abortion ban, Fox News host Sean Hannity assured viewers Wednesday that the new law will be “fixed in the next week or two”—and then echoed Donald Trump by calling on the state’s Democratic governor and attorney general to “get rid of it.”

“The people on the left are so desperate attacking Trump, now for an Arizona Supreme Court ruling that upholds what is a Civil War-era law banning abortion. This will be fixed in the next week or two. Let not your heart be troubled. I can pretty much assure that that will happen,” said Hannity, who prior to the end of Roe v. Wade claimed there would be no “loss of abortion access.”

The Fox host told viewers that Trump has said he opposes the Arizona Supreme Court’s decision to overturn a 15-week ban in favor of a 1864 law banning abortions in all cases except to save the mother’s life. Yet in his comments Wednesday, Trump tried to have it both ways by claiming that the issue is still “all about states’ rights.””

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