Sunday, March 9, 2025

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Our Mission Statement

At Zany Progressive, LLC, our mission is to be the “home of progressives” by providing an opportunity for users to connect with others and organize events for free (Stand United). We also want to help users stay informed by sharing the latest news with reporting and analysis by staff writers and other independent news sources—all in one place (Stay Informed).

Mission of the Zany Progressive Community

Life’s too short to be fake. It’s time to be real and get to know each other on a deeper level. Fighting to save democracy is definitely going to create bonds among the “warriors” who are also fighting together to protect free speech, the freedom to choose, and create a more just and equitable society for all of us.

That means everyone has access to healthcare and affordable housing, we get money out of Congress so our politicians work for us—not their donors.

Police and criminal justice reform are necessary to achieve our social justice goals (Camden, New Jersey did it!), and we have to get back to a society that treats each other with love, respect, and compassion. This hate and anger form of populism has got to go!

Zany’s number one issue that will make everything else much easier to achieve is to…

If we all came together and stood united for the fight… It would be powerful.

two female friends. one kisses the other on the cheek as she laughs.Pin
Photo by Tony Mucci on Unsplash

Our Goals

Zany Progressive began as a generic news site with blog posts about politics….

“But as the state of politics and the degradation of the Republican party continued to worsen.. as it started to take strange twists and turns through insanity, I began to feel like I was going through the looking glass. Falling into an alternate reality where facts were lies and lies were “Truths”.

The man who told 30,000 lies created a Twitter knockoff called Truth Social.

The daily waves of hypocrisy and irony pummeled me as I fought to get back to reality where I could try and save us from ourselves.”

Will you join me?

Serena Zehlius, Founder of

The mission isn’t just to share political news and content, but to grow a community of like-minded individuals to engage in discussions about the news and create user groups about favorite topics to escape politics for a little while or to organize protests and other events.

For more information on the Zany Progressive Community, see our About Us page.

Read our DEI statement.

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