Could it be that we’ve finally discovered the identity of the Antichrist?Hear me out! I’ve thought about it and even though I’m not religious, the signs all point to: Trump is the Antichrist. I just came here from another post where I had been talking about Trump’s Cult and the moment I realized it was a cult.
It first hit me during the RNC when they wheeled out the golden statue of Trump, I shouted: “The golden calf! Worshipping false idols!” I was just regurgitating memories from childhood Bible School that may not even be real.
I legitimately don’t know for sure where I got “golden calf” from, but I definitely remember “Thou shalt not worship false idols.” That triggered an ADD moment (regular readers know those all too well) and I remembered the Antichrist story.
I decided to move my insane ramblings from the other post to it’s own because there’s just too much too discuss for a single A.D.D. Moment. Here is why I believe Trump is the Antichrist:
Mental health professionals, including Psychiatrists, have already diagnosed Trump with Malignant Narcissism, which is regular Narcissistic Personality Disorder combined with Psycopathy. Trump is a psycopath, which could technically explain his evil behavior, but it could also be that he came from Hell, right?
In 2019, I saw something about the signs of the Antichrist and I sent a text to a friend with a link and a message: “OMG TRUMP IS THE ANTICHRIST!” Here are the characteristics from that list and how Trump matches up with each one of them.

Signs That Trump is the Antichrist
Here are some characteristics of the Antichrist. Keep in mind that I’m seeing this in 2019.
The first sign: This coming leader, the Antichrist, will come at an economically difficult time. There will be war in different parts of the world, and he—through brilliant political moves (ha) along with an incredible charisma—will be able to do what no one else has ever done. By establishing this peace, he will deceive many. He will even convince the Jewish nation and the Arab nations to sign a peace treaty, paving the way for the long-awaited third temple.
Second sign: The Antichrist will be history’s vilest embodiment of sin and rebellion. Come on. Even the most diehard Trump supporter can’t deny this one. He says disgusting things about immigrants (in a country made up only of immigrants or Native Americans). He’s racist, he “others” groups constantly, and he plans to kick 2 million people off of land they’ve lived on for generations to make it into “Trump Gaza.” He wants to build a resort on the graves of over 60,000 people, 15,000 children, and 800 babies. He hates transgender people so much he won’t even let them sacrifice their lives to protect the country! That’s gratuitous cruelty.
Third: The Antichrist totally opposes every law of God. Halfway into his power play he will show his true colors, rebuilding the temple and committing the abomination of desolation (Daniel 12:11; Matthew 24:15). He will show himself to be a blood-thirsty dictator who will make Adolph Hitler, Joseph Stalin, and Saddam Hussein look like lightweights in comparison.
Fourth: The Antichrist will not act alone. There will be a false prophet working with him. “Then the beast was captured, and with him the false prophet who worked signs in his presence, by which he deceived those who received the mark of the beast and those who worshiped his image. (MAGA?) These two were cast alive into the lake of fire burning with brimstone” (Revelation 19:20). (Steve Bannon? Rudy Giuliani? or Stephen Miller?) 2025 update: Elon Musk or Mike Johnson? I get serious evil vibes from Speaker Johnson. Oooh! Maybe its Benjamin Netanyahu! You can’t get much more evil than committing a genocide that killed 800 innocent babies so far and he is actively starving children to death!

2025 updates: Is Trump the Antichrist? (yes)
Donald Trump has somehow got Evangelical Christians worshipping him.
His new White House Faith Office leader actually said, “To say no to Trump is to say no to God.”
He has now repeatedly said that he survived the first assassination attempt because God saved him so he could make America great again. 🙄
He is a convicted criminal who was found liable for rape in court. He’s been accused of sexual assault more than 20 times. He tried to overthrow the government by setting up a coup using fake electors and inciting a violent insurrection on the Capitol, yet he still won the 2024 election, including the popular vote.
Is it possible the people who claim WE suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) are actually under some spell by the Antichrist?
He sides with the evil dictators of the world and hates our allies. He actually hates our allies! Look what he did to President Zelenskyy, to Canada and Mexico. He wants to “take” Greenland and the Panama Canal.
That’s it for this episode of “Zany Progressive is actually insane!”
Please come back again after this.