Saturday, February 22, 2025
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Republishing Our Work

Thank you for your interest in republishing our work.

All of Zany Progressive’s articles—not including those written by the editor or a staff writer—were republished here under a Creative Commons 2.0 or 4.0 license, meaning you are free to republish the content with credit to the original author and a link back to the original article on their websit. DO NOT link back to Zany Progressive if the article wasn’t written by one of our authors.

Follow the link to the original article, found in the attribution below the content, to view their republishing guidelines as they may be different from ours. Some sources require that you include a tracking script that allows them to keep track of where their content is published.

The simplest way to do this is to copy the original source link from the attribution we include after each article we republish. For instance: This [article] was originally published on [original source] under a [Creative Commons x.0 license].

If you prefer to use your own wording in the attribution text, you can still use the links to the article and the original source.

Content written by the Editor is published under a CC BY NC-ND 4.0 license. This means you may republish and share the articles for free as long as you follow our guidelines and the terms of the license, which includes not using the content for commercial purposes.

logo for the creative commons by-nc-nd license.

Content written by staff writers is not included and you must contact the original author to request permission. The author’s name will be followed by “staff writer” so that you can quickly differentiate our original content from republished news articles. You can contact a staff writer using this request form. Please include the title of the content you’d like to republish and the name of the author.

How to republish our content

To republish a post from our website written by the Editor or a staff writer, you must follow each step of our guidelines and abide by the rules of the Creative Commons License.

To republish content by the Editor, or after you have been given permission to do so by a staff writer, follow these guidelines.

Credit us.

Please include the full name of the author in the byline and attribute the post to Zany Progressive with a link to the original URL of the article. If the original post was written by one of our community members, please credit it using: “by “author’s name” on

Include our links.

If you’re republishing online, please link to the URL of the post on and include all of the original links included in our content.

Edit the canonical metadata.

Please edit the “rel=canonical” tag in the HTML of your version of a Zany Progressive article to let search engines know that ours is the original version. The tag looks like this: <link rel=”canonical” href=“” />.

Please make sure that the Zany Progressive article URL is in the tag and not a URL from your website. For more information about canonical metadata, refer to this Google SEO link.

Most SEO plugins provide a spot to enter the canonical URL in the plugin meta box located at the bottom of the post edit screen if you are using Wordpress.

Do not edit our work.

Don’t edit our content, except to reflect relative changes: changing “today” to “yesterday” or “here” to “in Chicago.” If you add any additional content, include a label with it: “added by <your website>.”

Add original caption to images you Use.

All of our images carry Creative Commons licences or are public domain. Use the same captions included in the original content. Graphics created by our team can be used as long as you credit us by including: “Credit:” (linking to the same URL) in the caption. If a featured image does not include a caption with credit to the source, it was most likely created by us. If you are unsure, please contact us.

Don’t sell or syndicate our work.

This includes publishing our work on another website or syndicating it on platforms or apps such as Apple News, Google News, etc.

Republish one post at a time.

We don’t permit anyone to republish all of our content automatically; you must select stories to be republished individually. 

Provide contact information.

Any website our work is republished on must include up-to-date contact information in case there’s a need to contact you about updates or changes to details in the article.

Tag us in social media posts

If you share republished versions of our articles on social media, we’d appreciate being tagged in your posts. We have official accounts on X (@zanyprogressive) and Facebook ( Search for us on Tribel and Bluesky.


  • Permission from the staff writer
  • Link to the original post on another website (if applicable)
  • Link to the post on our site
  • Link to the Zany Progressive homepage
  • Canonical link
  • Image captions
  • Up-to-date contact information


  • Your own website
  • An SEO plugin or HTML knowledge (for canonical link)
  • A contact information page on your website

Materials: Computer or tablet to edit your website. Paper notepad or notepad app to copy/paste original links for use later


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