
RFK Jr. Isn’t Just an Anti-Vaxxer, He’s a Gaslighting Fraud

RFK Jr. constantly talks out of both sides of his mouth, but musing that Biden could be a “worse threat to democracy” than Trump is a new low.

RFK Jr. constantly talks out of both sides of his mouth, but musing that Biden could be a “worse threat to democracy” than Trump is a new low.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is gearing up to gaslight his way through the 2024 presidential race.

This week, CNN’s Erin Burnett pressed Kennedy on Americans’ concerns that Donald Trump is a threat to democracy, to which he replied, “I could make the argument that President Biden is the much worse threat to democracy.” He went on to claim Biden is using the federal government to censor political speech and his opponents.

The interview was appropriately met with outrage and mockery. Kennedy later claimed in a NewsNation interview that he didn’t actually say Biden is a bigger threat to democracy, he was merely saying he could argue it.

But even that argument is absurd and patently false. It also appears to be personal. Kennedy apparently still holds a grudge over his Instagram being suspended in 2021 for spreading misleading public health information, after Biden administration officials flagged the material to Meta.

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This article was originally published on The Daily Beast and partially republished here, with permission.

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